For Entertainment Lovers, Spotlight Is on Mobile

Live entertainment seekers—defined in a recent study as mobile phone users who plan to see a live performance within the next three months—are turning to their phones to help plan for such events.

According to Q1 2014 polling conducted by Decision Fuel for Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) Mobile Marketing Center of Excellence and InMobi, 90% of US entertainment seekers turned to mobile for more information after seeing ads for events on other channels, and 60% said the channel was their favorite source for live event info.

Mobile was important throughout the planning process. Two-thirds of live entertainment seekers said they used mobile to help plan trips to shows at least sometimes, with more than one-quarter saying they always used it.

Nearly nine out of 10 entertainment seekers used their mobile phones for activities related to live shows they had attended in the six months leading up to polling. Researching event information was the No. 1 entertainment-related activity conducted via mobile, cited by 43%. Nearly two in five downloaded related content, and around one-third had watched a trailer for the show or made pre- or post-show plans.

What gets these fans to interact with ads on their phones? The live entertainment mobile ads that were most popular among entertainment lovers were ones that showcased video, sounds and photos or those that featured performance dates and information, each cited by 40% of respondents.

Courtesy of eMarketer


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