Millennials Living In The States Bordering Mexico name The Top 10 Cities In The Region For Their Generation

The increasing influence of Hispanic-Americans on every aspect of American life—from politics to media, fashion to entertainment—is felt most keenly in the four U.S. states bordering Mexico, a microcosm of the U.S. Hispanic community. Already the largest racial/ethnic group in the U.S. after Caucasian, Hispanics are forecast to become the majority in 25 years.

Because of those reasons and many more, Havas PR North America surveyed 800 18- to 34-year-olds, both Hispanic and non-Hispanic, in the four states (Arizona, California, New Mexico and Texas). The agency’s report on the findings, “Mi Casa en Los Estados Unidos: Millennials of the Border States,” examines the opinions of these “border millennials” on key areas such as family, food, work and more.

Among other questions, Havas PR asked these young respondents which cities in the Southwest will be the best places for their generation. The top 10:

1. San Antonio
2. San Diego
3. Los Angeles
4. Phoenix
5. Austin
6. Albuquerque
7. Dallas–Ft. Worth
8. Houston
9. San Francisco
10. Tucson

“The highest-ranked cities have three commonalities: They are ethnic, affordable and youthful, including college towns as one anchor,” said Marian Salzman, Havas PR North America CEO. “Our queries were open-ended, by the way, so it’s not as if we supplied our list and asked them to prioritize their ‘where.’ We all need to be keeping an eye on these cities as we think about where the next generation will flourish.”

In addition, the agency discovered that staying close to family is important to many respondents—and that they will never leave the Southwest. This is especially true for Hispanics (51 percent versus 44 percent of non-Hispanics).


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