Maximize Online Advertising ROI – – FREE WEBINAR

Reaching a narrow audience online is no easy feat. With a tight budget and an even tighter intended audience, the United States Marine Corps (USMC) needed to maximize digital campaign efficiency and make the most of every dollar spent.

Date: August 14, 2014
Time 2:00 pm ET / 11:00 am PT

Mindshare, a global media agency, used Nielsen Online Campaign Ratings to gain valuable insights into the performance of the recent USMC online campaign. Mindshare was able to make in-flight adjustments based on reports delivered daily, allowing for maximum ROI. By utilizing Nielsen Online Campaign Ratings, Mindshare was able to exceed campaign goals and reach a historically elusive audience: Males ages 18-24.
Join Allison Fillman, Associate Media Director at Mindshare, and Joann Wolferman, Senior Product Marketing Manager at Nielsen, to learn:

How Mindshare used Nielsen Online Campaign Ratings to execute a successful online campaign for the United States Marine Corps and exceed campaign goals of 22 percent on-target impressions and 95 GRPs for men ages 18-24.
Why working directly with publishers to adjust your media plans expedites campaign optimization.
How our TV-comparable demographic data can help you optimize your online ad campaign.

Allison Fillman, Associate Media Director, Mindshare
Joann Wolferman, Senior Product Marketing Manager, Nielsen



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