SOMOSmedia …Your New Social Media Concierge

Laura Termini, actress, entrepreneur and founder of a platform with 6 years developing digital campaigns for the general market , and Rory Lassanske creator of MamaContemporanea , has finalized a strategic alliance with Dospuntouno digital agency, with extensive experience of digital strategies in Latin America, to create SOMOSmedia, a joint venture of SOMOSentertainment and Dospuntouno

SOMOSmedia the first agency to offer a Digital Concierge Service approach which strategically integrates all social media vehicles and digital services under one umbrella, with professionals specializing in marketing, blogs, engagement, promotion, digital media plans, strategy, applications storytelling and development for brands and digital agencies.

“ Hispanics in the U.S. have a current spending power of about $1.4 trillion, we wanted to give a digital voice for brands who want to reach us . With exciting work, multicultural digital experts and the ability to live in paradise, South Florida stands out. Our digital community is extremely active,that’s why we are launching SomosMedia with the experience we all three have to offer, our concierge service has the optimal approach to drive brand growth through effective marketing strategies”. Our first chat show “Social Talk” (Conversatorio) October 25th, 2014, will be our opening event, I will keep you posted.” Laura said.


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