‘Healthier’ Brands Gain Buyers At A Faster Pace – Hispanic Consumers Propel Healthier Brands The Most [INSIGHT]

SSG’s new decision-guiding, data-rich tool has identified an unexpected factor which contributes to brand growth:  Higher brand growth rate is associated with the choices of higher wellness-minded consumers. The more health-minded consumers perceive your brand to be, the higher the growth rate your brand tends to attain.  

This insight was uncovered during a recent analysis of breakfast brands conducted utilizing the SSG Wellness Spectrum™ powered by GfK MRI, a market planning tool which combines SSG’s health & wellbeing predictive analytics with the rich bank of attitudes, shopping and media behaviors from GfK MRI’s Survey of the American Consumer 2011-2014–a national representative sample of 150K consumers projectable to 238 million adults in the U.S.

The study identified a trend between high wellness score brands and above average brand growth in the Total Market (TM). For every 10 points increase in Wellness Score, brand growth accelerated 1% point annually. A Wellness Score reflects the intensity of an individuals’ wellness outlook and behaviors relative to the U.S. average consumer. The average wellness score of the buyers of a certain brand is reflected in the particular brand wellness score.

As this chart indicates, there is a statistically significant positive relationship between the Wellness Score of breakfast brands and how fast the brand expands its base of buyers. Some of the Brands in this superior level of growth and wellness following include Fage, Multi Grain Cheerios, Eggo Nutri-Grain Waffles, and Quaker Oat Bran.

To marketers, the importance of this nexus between high wellness perception and high brand growth is simple:  To enhance growth, it is important to have “Better-for-You” products in your portfolio.  

In addition, the study found that Brands regarded as ‘healthier’ among Hispanics, tended to grow faster than those among the Total Market.  Sixteen percent of 230 breakfast brands that have a Wellness Score above 110 among Hispanics exhibited positive growth, in sharp contrast to only seven percent of Total Market brands with in the same Wellness Score range.

SSG is a growth consultancy firm which guides clients using advanced research, projectable opportunity sizings, innovative modeling and predictive analytics. We are available to discuss the application of this model or others to your brands to insure your maximum growth.  For more info on the SSG Wellness Spectrum™ to visit us CLICK HERE.  Spectrum and for related articles, visit our Growth & Insights Newsletter archives at SSGinsights.

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