MGSCOMM now Commonground/MGS wins 2014 PR News’ PR Agency Elite Award in the category of “Integrated Communications”

MGSCOMM won the 2014 PR News’ PR Agency Elite Award in the category of “Integrated Communications” for the agency’s work on behalf of the Hispanic Milk Protein campaign, The Breakfast Project’s El Super Desayuno.  The award was presented during the 2014 PR News’ PR Agency Elite Awards at New York City’s Grand Hyatt on October 10, 2014. The Agency Elite Awards recognizes the top PR agencies by practice area in the past year.

The Breakfast Project was the campaign developed to increase milk consumption in the breakfast meal occasion, and keep the milk message top of mind for Latino mothers, traditionally the nutritional gatekeeper in the Hispanic home. We aim to drive sales within the Hispanic community via culturally relevant messages and celebrity role-models that help educate Hispanic families on how milk’s protein is necessary to start your day and sets the tone for a successful morning. The television campaign executed from July 2013 to September 2013 as part of The Breakfast Project, El Super Desayuno, aimed to position milk as a naturally nutrient-rich beverage and a good source of high quality protein with 8 grams in every 8 ounce glass. It serves as a vehicle to educate US Hispanic families on the many ways milk can be incorporated into breakfast for the entire family as well as the nutritional benefits of starting your day off right with milk.

Carlos Vives is an avid milk drinker and father and leveraged his simultaneous world tour buzz to help spread the milk message and drive milk consumption at breakfast within the Hispanic community. This fully integrated component of The Breakfast Project campaign was executed via various tactics including: Carlos Vives Ad Launch, El Super Desayuno Audio News Release, Satellite Media Tour, Multi-media News Release, Social Media Content, Promotion, and Consumer Engagement. Recently appointed MilkPEP CEO, Julia Kadison said, “We are very proud of the work MGSCOMM has delivered for our organization and congratulate the team on a campaign well executed across all marketing communications. We hope to continue delivering the message to US Hispanic families and build on this successful campaign for years to come.”


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