Viva TV!: Hispanic Families Bond over the Small Screen [INSIGHT]

Hispanic parents are more likely to agree that “TV helps me be a better parent” than Caucasian parents, and they are much more likely to be watching TV with their children than families in the general population. These are among the key findings from a recent study conducted by Penn Schoen Berland (PSB) on behalf of the ANA’s (Association of National Advertisers) Alliance for Family Entertainment (AFE).

The research surveyed 222 English-speaking Hispanic-American moms, dads, and caregivers of children under 18 from May 9-13, 2014. With a margin of error of plus or minus six percentage points, research determined that in almost every instance Latino families’ relationship with television indexes higher than the general population.

More than 60 percent of Hispanic parents agree that “TV helps me be a better parent,” compared with 50 percent of Caucasian parents. More than 1 out of 4 — 27 percent — of Latino parents say that their children will keep themselves out of trouble when watching TV, compared to 22 percent of Caucasian parents.

Hispanics watch as a family more often: 45 percent of Hispanic parents say when they are watching TV, their children are watching with them, compared with 32 percent of Caucasian parents. Forty-five percent of Hispanic parents also say their children only use devices at home with parents present, compared with 37 percent of Caucasian parents. When they are watching as a family, a majority of Hispanic parents look for shows that inspire (57 percent) and teach a lesson (56 percent), compared to 52 percent and 49 percent of Caucasian parents, respectively.

Just as they do in the general market, Hispanic families also index higher in the use of digital technology, although the pattern, as with TV-watching behavior in general, mirrors that of Caucasian parents. Besides the 11.6 hours of content they watch on their TVs each week, Hispanic families with each device watch 4 hours on their laptops, 3.6 hours on their smartphones, and 3 hours on their tablets. Two in three Hispanic parents have access to streaming content, and a majority of those with access watch it often.

“This is powerful information,” said Quinn. “The data supports conventional wisdom that Hispanics are firm believers in the strength of family and will watch TV as well as other streaming devices together. We are always seeking data on the evolving media preferences of today’s family to serve our customer.”

Almost 3 in 4 (73 percent) of Hispanic parents say they are familiar with YouTube family channels, and 44 percent have watched videos on YouTube’s family channels. Thirty-six percent get information about companies, brands, or retailers via social media compared with 30 percent of Caucasian parents. Twenty-seven percent of Hispanic parents have shared a positive experience about a company or product on social media versus 25 percent of Caucasian parents.

“TV and entertainment help bring families together,” said Amy Leveton, executive vice president at PSB. “Rather than being seen as a distraction, TV is viewed as a tool to help Hispanics be better parents and enable families to bond in different ways.”


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