Estrella TV partners with MetroPCS on “Tengo Talento”

Through Custom 360 Integrations, MetroPCS is a Brand Partner in Estrella TV’s Tengo Talento.   This season long partnership with Tengo Talento, Mucho Talento will be highlighted through three primary elements:  The MetroPCS Call Home Segment, MetroPCS Lounge and MetroPCS as Voting Partner.

“Part of our strategic vision at Estrella TV is to feature MetroPCS products more effectively.  We do this by showcasing their messaging through original branded content that gives them greater visibility with their core consumers.  Because we produce all our own programming, they can better utilize our shows for product demonstrations, and enable consumers to witness the experiences with the brand first hand.  Tengo continues to be one of Estrella TV’s best performing shows, and will continue to grow as the rounds advance,” says Judy Kenny, EVP National Sales & Marketing, Estrella TV.

In the Call Home Segment, Tengo contestants get to call family members and friends anywhere in the world and share their exciting news and experiences in the competition using a MetroPCS device.  The segments will occur around key performances, and the show’s hosts will provide a live branded mention during the more intimate and animated moments that emerge between contestant and judge.

While waiting to perform their acts, contestants will gather in a MetroPCS branded Lounge area featuring branded devices which they can use for chatting, selfies and sharing all their anticipation. To round out the sponsorship, MetroPCS is the branded Voting Partner at those crucial intersections of viewer and contestant, when choices are made, fates are decided and favorite acts are moved forward.  The Estrella TV 360 digital components will round out the entire integration by allowing contestants and viewers to share, link and learn about MetroPCS’ product offerings and capabilities. These include: MetroPCS branding of the Tengo Talento, Mucho Talento website, online voting, video pre-roll, and MetroPCS branded social media sponsored actions.

“We are thrilled to be partnering with Estrella TV and Tengo Talento, Mucho Talento to better connect to our current and potential MetroPCS customers” said Ximena Cuevas, Senior Director, Marketing at MetroPCS. “Social, digital, and traditional advertising are all important aspects of our overarching Hispanic media strategy, and our ongoing relationship with Estrella TV reflects the emphasis we put behind each campaign.”


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