Orcí goes GALATIC for 2015 Honda CR-V

Orcí announced the launch of its space themed, dream encouraging, digital, social and experiential campaign for the 2015 Honda CR-V. In the new CR-V ad supporting Motor Trend’s 2015 SUV of the Year, Orcí taps into important consumer insights about parents and quality time with kids. Serving up a serious, but inspirational spot featuring an ambitious little girl, Orcí aims to empower parents to prioritize their children’s dreams by maximizing time spent together in car rides.

“Our work is to inspire our audience. Latino consumers are at the center of our universe. Our mission with this campaign is not just to showcase the space available inside the new Honda CR-V, but to launch an awareness amongst parents and children that they can make space, in an everyday car ride, for their dreams to become a reality- whatever their dreams may be,” explains Andrew Orcí, the agency’s chief executive officer.

Research has shown that young Latinos are optimistic about their future and place a high value on education, hard work and success. On the other hand, they are much more likely than other American youth groups to drop out of school. Orcí wanted to create a commercial that speaks to Hispanic parents and children about the importance of making space and time to achieve goals and dreams.
“Latinos are the largest and youngest minority group in the U.S. now. We recognize that the types of grown-ups these young Latinos become will help influence the kind of society America becomes in the 21st century. Honda values the Orcí Agency’s ability to uncover key insights and turn them into compelling creative campaigns that inspire our customers,” commented Gina Jorge, Head of Multicultural Marketing at Honda.
“Our agency has a profound qualitative understanding of our client’s target consumer. In this case, our team developed the CR-V campaign around the understanding that busy parents need practical solutions to finding quality time to spend with their children,” said Andrew Orcí.
Through social media the agency will extend the aspect of the campaign where the CR-V is not only a place where you can have the physical space and mental peace of mind to dream but also a tool that takes you to the places that will help you achieve your dreams. The agency positions the CR-V literally as the vehicle to help accomplish your dreams.


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