Yezz Mobile joins Google’s Project ARA

DDM Brands and López Martí Miami, respectively client & agency, just rolled out their Yezz ARA effort with a comprehensive branded, experiential and social content initiative.

The campaign is being unveiled as we speak in MWC 2015 in Barcelona, Spain, arguably the largest and most important global showcase for all things mobile and mobile-industry related.

“Explosion” for our client Yezz Mobile from López Martí Miami on Vimeo.

An initiative within Google’s Advanced Technology & Projects (ATAP) group, Project Ara aims to create an open modular smartphone platform with massive accessibility, democratizing the mobile industry by doing for hardware, what the Android platform has done for software: lowering the barriers of entry, creating a diverse ecosystem of developers, and therefore, increasing the pace of innovation.

The target audience: multicultural early adopters who find shiny new objects irresistible yet are highly demanding and savvy when it comes to spending their hard-earned disposable income in new gadgets. These consumers can seem existentially voracious in their appetite for new technology but they don’t compromise on quality or design.

Luis Sosa, co-founder of Yezz and CEO of Miami-based DDM Brands, says, “Project Ara disrupts the future of hardware architecture, audaciously impacting the industry by shifting power dynamics from smartphone manufacturing giants to the hands of module developers and ultimately, the consumers. With our agility in development and manufacturing, we will effectively promote and expand this technological evolution.”

“Great marketing falls short if the user experience and the product itself don’t fulfill and exceed expectations. I am Italian so industrial design and attention to detail are my obsessions,” comments marketing director Maurizio Festa-Sole.

“We not only advice our client on how to communicate and market its inventory. In this case, apart from strategizing, conceiving and executing the communication campaign, we are also chipping in with ideas to develop new mobile products and new business models to go to market. It’s truly an inspiring challenge that far exceeds the usual scope of work of a so-called ad agency,” adds Gonzalo López Martí, creative director with Miami-based shop López Martí Miami.


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