Juan Valdez Café names Newlink America AOR

Juan Valdez Café has selected Newlink America to position the brand in the US market. This decision comes at an important time of growth for the Colombian coffee grower, given its aggressive international expansion that kicked off with the opening of two destination cafés in Downtown Miami last year and another 60 stores planned to open in the Florida market alone over the next five years.


“After the success of our initial expansion efforts in Miami, we knew that we could rely on Newlink to propel the company forward and make Juan Valdez Café  top of mind throughout the US,” said Alejandra Londoño, vice president of International Business for Juan Valdez Café. “We are confident in our partnership with Newlink and we know they will make a difference as we work to develop the brand and build our business.”

“We are thrilled to have the opportunity to bring Juan Valdez® Café to the forefront of the conversation in the United States. We know what sets this brand apart and we are eager to share that with American consumers,” said Jorge Ortega, managing partner and co-founder of Newlink America.

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