DDB LATINA’S IDEATHON : 48 hrs Seeking To Influence On A Global Problem

The 11th of June of the current year, the 22 offices that comprise the Latin region of DDB Worldwide (US Hispanic + Latin America + Spain) will connect all their talent to look for ideas to help solve the inequality that today’s women face.

These offices plan to put aside their normal work hours to generate innovative proposals that will later be presented to a prestigious jury based in the city of Miami. The teams will consist of all departments from the agency, aiming to not only limit ideas to the creative teams, but also include other points of views in areas such as finance, production, accounts, planning, etc.

The jury will be comprised of women leaders from different areas and spokespersons for the cause. Among the personalities invited are: Maria Elena Salinas–Anchor from Noticiero Univision, Bettina Abascal–Director from Circulo Creativo, Silvina Moschini–Entrepreneur and Technology Contributing Expert from CNN en Español, Leila Cobo–Billboard Executive Director, and Maria Gabriela Hoch–Global Leadership Network Member from the organization Vital Voices, established by Hillary Rodham Clinton, among others.

This initiative will take place every year covering different social issues, in order to demonstrate that creative talent is capable of generating ideas that will help transform the reality of our world.

“Our teams will apply integrated thinking and most of the ideas will have a strong technological component that will demonstrate how interaction between people changes human reality,” shared John Isaza, VP of Regional Planning of DDB Latina.

“We live in a world in real time and only a network such as DDB Latina, which understands this new reality, is able to integrate its teams so that in a period of 48 hours influential ideas are created,” said Juan Carlos Ortiz, President of DDB Latina and Creative Chairman of DDB Americas.


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