Hispanic Shopper Spending highest in 3 Years [INFOGRAPHIC]

Univision Communications Inc. (UCI) released The Why? Behind The Buy™ U.S. Hispanic Shopper Study that provides valuable insights into U.S. Hispanic shopper behavior. As the U.S. Hispanic population grows, this report will help CPG companies and retailers develop marketing strategies to best attract and win with this important consumer segment.

“The Hispanic consumer expects to be earning more and is spending more, as evidenced by the fact that their monthly grocery spend is at the highest point in three years. For Hispanic shoppers, a trip to the grocery store continues to be a social experience and this trait is just as prevalent with Hispanic millennials.  Because grocery shopping represents an opportunity to spend time with loved ones and to engage with distinctive store offerings, brands and retailers are presented with more valuable marketing opportunities,” said Liz Sanderson, Vice President, Strategy and Insights, Univision Communications Inc.

The Why? Behind the Buy U.S. Hispanic Shopper Study reveals:

Spending and Income Are Growing. Hispanic shoppers are more optimistic about their personal economies, which has translated into their highest monthly grocery spending in three years.

  • Hispanic shoppers spend an average of $361 a month on groceries compared to $331 spent by the total U.S. shopper population.

Shopping is Not a Chore. Hispanic shoppers find pleasure in going to the grocery store and view it as another way to spend more time with family.

  • 74 percent of Hispanic shoppers report they enjoy grocery shopping; 16 percentage points higher than total U.S. shoppers.
  • 77 percent of Hispanic shoppers shop with another person; 51 percent of total U.S. shoppers do the same. As a result, Hispanics are much more likely to share purchase decisions with their families compared to their total U.S. counterparts.

Meals Matter. The dinner table takes center stage in the Hispanic household. By making mealtime a priority, Hispanic shoppers are buying more groceries and preparing more meals.

  • 65 percent of Hispanic shoppers ate dinner at the dining table or kitchen counter compared to 55 percent of total U.S. shoppers.
  • Hispanic shoppers average 3.3 meals a day, compared to total U.S. shoppers’ 2.8 meals a day, which translates to 3.5 additional meal occasions each week.
  • Meal requests from their families and children drive 23 percent of Hispanic shoppers’ dinner choices, compared to just 12 percent of total U.S. shoppers.

Technology Drives Spending. Hispanic shoppers are more digitally engaged, outpacing the general U.S. population – a fact that extends to online grocery shopping.

  • Half of Hispanic shoppers indicated they had purchased a grocery item online in the past year, compared to 40 percent of total U.S. shoppers.
  • A significant 73 percent of Hispanic shoppers use technology for grocery shopping, compared to 60 percent of total U.S. shoppers.

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