Zubi Advertising wins awards with Camisetrón for Ford

“Camisetrón”, a digital project developed by Zubi Advertising for Ford, has been nationally and internationally awarded for its creative quality and outstanding results, obtaining 4 Bronze Awards in the Digital Category at Clio Sports Awards (New York), El Sol de Iberoamérica Festival (Spain), Wave Festival (Brazil) and U.S.H. Idea Awards (Miami).

This unique idea allowed users to create a hybrid t-­‐shirt representative of multiple World Cup national teams, which showcased the multicultural reality of the Hispanic market.

In contrast to other countries, where it would be considered a sacrilege to cut a national team’s shirt in half and sew other team’s shirt to it, in the United States, for many, it’s not so easy to be “married” to only one nationality, when your father may be Colombian and your mother Argentinian, making you ARGEN-­‐COLO-­‐MERICAN.  

That was the insight that Zubi Advertising used to create the digital campaign that Ford ran during World Cup. Through this effort, people could create a “futbol” jersey that would truly represent their multicultural heritage and would also capture their hearts, that for so long had been divided between various countries, cultures and, of course, national teams. That’s how Ford, the brand that goes further, took the passion for “futbol” further with this digital idea that celebrated the reality of a multicultural Hispanic Market. 

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