Nobody owns anything. Part 1

By Gonzalo López Martí /  LMMIAMI.COM

#content #intellectualproperty

  • We all know the running phrase in Hollywood: nobody knows anything.
  • As Jim McNamara pointed out with his usual showmanship, charisma and refreshing candor during the last AHAA enclave, not even test screenings shed much light on the potential success of a movie: they are just an industry-sanctioned mechanism to cover the asses of folks crazy enough to greenlight projects.
  • Mr. McNamara was one of the most successful TV executives in the country.
  • That we know.
  • He cashed out and, allegedly flush with moolah after stewarding the sale of Telemundo to NBC Universal a few years ago, decided to try his hand on the big screen.
  • He of all people should know what smells of success and what doesn’t, right?
  • Who better than Big Jim to be a successful, swashbuckling movie producer catering to Hispanic audiences?
  • Still, Mr. McNamara openly admits he is at loss when confronted with a new movie development.
  • It’s anyone’s guess what might happen at the box office.
  • Creating content is an obscure art.
  • It takes one big pair of c**ones.
  • Or a considerable level of delusion.
  • It is a business of gamblers operating on passion and gut feeling.
  • There are trends, sure.
  • There are a few loose rules of thumb.
  • There are intricacies that somehow help the big machine grind on.
  • Nevertheless, in essence, it’s all one big toss up.
  • With the particularity that some people manage to fail better than others.
  • For instance, when Francis Ford Coppola was shooting Apocalypse now in the Philippines he received a telegram from LA instructing him to abort the project.
  • He’d run over budget and the suits back in SoCal had decided the flick in progress had all the trappings of a bomb (pun intended).
  • Coppola destroyed the telegram and kept shooting.
  • Never mind that Martin Sheen had had a minor heart attack on set and Marlon Brando had lost the few marbles he had left somewhere in the rainforest.
  • The film became a box office smash and one of the most important masterpieces of the century.
  • Which still did not prevent Coppola from filing for chapter 11 a few years later, after a string of commercial flops.
  • George Lucas shopped his “Star Wars” idea to all the major studios in Hollywood.
  • Four of them passed on the opportunity, which they considered a far fetched passion project by a rookie, untested filmmaker.
  • Speaking of George Lucas: his and Steven Spielberg’s fist choice to star in the Indiana Jones saga was… (drum roll):
  • Tom Selleck.
  • Tom passed.
  • He claimed it was not the right fit for his career.
  • LOL
  • Nobody.
  • Knows.
  • Anything.
  • To add insult to injury, now there’s a new running phrase in the digitally ravaged hills of Hollywoodland: nobody owns anything.
  • Intellectual property is over.
  • Digital distribution is a minefield.
  • Piracy is pillaging the box office.
  • It not only applies to Hollywood.
  • The same is true about TV, literature, music.
  • When every single human being roams the planet with a smartphone consuming & generating content 24/7 everything becomes public domain, fair use, creative commons or whatever we want to call it, slice it or dice it.
  • To be continued.
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