Agencies Look to Dynamic Creative to Boost Engagement [INSIGHT]

According to July 2015 polling, nearly two-thirds of US ad agency executives are optimizing or customizing ad creative dynamically based on data. In return, they are hoping primarily for engagement—and clicks.

Jivox further broke down those findings to report that 30.9% of those polled responded with a simple yes, while another 32.7% said they sometimes use the data. Just under 8% were not familiar with dynamic advertising.

Among agencies that did use data for dynamic creative, demographic data was the most common type employed for the purpose, with 58.4% of respondents claiming to use it. More than half (55.3%) of respondents said they apply location API. Time and weather data were also used fairly frequently.

Benefits of Leveraging Real-Time/Dynamic Customer Data for Digital Ads According to US Ad Agency Executives, July 2015 (% of respondents)

What are the benefits of using these types of data, and real-time and dynamic customer data for digital ads in general? The No. 1 reason, named by 40.2% of respondents, was to increase engagements. In addition, 39.0% answered that it increased clickthrough rates.

Dynamic creative, customized based on information about the person who will see the ad, would seem to lend itself well to these purposes. Whether it’s a an ad tailored to a millennial, or a banner served because a mobile user is near a store location, or a video ad for an warm jacket on the first cool day of fall, these dynamic placements are designed to better grab the viewer’s attention—and convince that viewer to act.

Courtesy of eMarketer


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