Brand Planning [INSIGHT]

by Nina Rahmatallah

Brand planning. Traditionally a yearly event. And as we all know a vital aspect to developing a strategic direction for growth. At that time of year when your business embarks upon its process to set forth a proposal for how to get from A to B to find growth in the coming year for your product or service you’ll need to take your existing assets and work out how to use these inputs for most impact. Insights to fully understand your consumers and know how to engage with them specifically within their culture are crucial to create a plan that will find growth.

And of course you want to get maximum impact from the process. A process that can be frustrating with an abundance of obstacles in creating a plan that can be executed in its entirety. At the crux of the concept of planning is the need for a specific journey to growth but the implementation of said plan has to be one of adaptability. No plan fully goes to plan so businesses that win are ones that are willing to improvise, be prepared for the plan to fail and then adapt. A plan isn’t working? Reappraise and adapt.

You need to be prepared to fall in love with your plan, overcommit to it, and be willing to leave it behind. Essentially businesses need to constantly be planning and executing.  Even more so in the increasingly digital world in which consumers live, being always switched ‘on’ and constantly demanding more value, experience, and quality content. This means that the initial planning process is a vital benchmark but to fully connect you always have to be aware of trends, connected to culture, and aware of how your brand can relate to consumers.

Brand planning is the start point each year for the consistently changing and demanding planning process but if you start off well then you’re already half way there and the foundation for growth will already be set in motion. To develop a good plan three key elements come into play; having quality inputs with solid insights, focussed planning meetings that produce exceptional decision making, action planning, and outcomes, and finally a cohesive and vibrant story to maximise the impact with your ultimate decision makers.

So how do you get the most impact while making the process a whole lot easier for you? Outsource the management of the content and essential parts of the process so you can concentrate on the thinking. Supercharge your overall brand planning by supercharging your inputs, your meetings, and your story.
Supercharge your brand planning. Even better, get in touch and we’ll do it for you.


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