How Brands Can Harness The Power Of SuperFans [INSIGHT]

Everyone knows a SuperFan. This person may be called Gen X, Gen Y, Gen Z, Millennial, Baby Boomer, Senior or just about anything in between. The SuperFan may also belong to any socio-economic, demographic, race, ethnicity, sex, household income, or geographic location.

No matter the demo, a SuperFan can easily be spotted. From the concentration on their face as they consume their favorite movie, sporting event or concert to the encyclopedic knowledge they can recall about it their passion certainly can’t be ignored. The look of pure joy and excitement as they root for a brand above all others is one that needs to be recognized and harnessed.

At first glance it may seem that brands must sift, sort and slice data to find a group of like-minded folks who love their product or service when in actuality, the process should be much simpler.

1. Produce content that can be viewed and shared. SuperFan’s want “first access” to new content and they want to be the first ones talking about it. Does your brand share photos or videos that are easily viewed and shared via mobile as opposed to desktop?

2. Talk to them (and your PR, social & call center teams too). Reach out to a concentrated portion across mediums asking their opinion about something that you are developing (SuperFans love to get first access to content and to give opinions), and start a two-way conversation. Actively listen to the teams who deal with your customers and have first hand experience. Consumer complaints are filled with interesting marketing nuggets to brainstorm on.

3. Build a knowledge base of who these SuperFans really are – what are the common denominators across all of them? What is unique? How are they changing over time? What is their sphere of influence? Can they become brand advocates and have a seat at the table in helping to develop ideas that will enhance your brand relationship with other consumers & drive sales?

4. Develop a test, review the results, adjust the test and repeat….often. With the advent of quick and easy online content or ad A/B testing, developing a multitude of short quick hit tests can be much more useful than spending countless hours on the next big idea.

A few things to consider when you start addressing your SuperFans

  •     SuperFans have great influence – they can help turn mere advocates into fans and fans into SuperFans
  •     SuperFans are unique – they want the best for your brand and will help you to get there if you take the time to listen and give them access
  •     SuperFans will be brutally honest when you do something wrong – if so, correct it quickly and ask them to help spread the word
  •     SuperFans can grow your sales, literally, overnight

In today’s fragmented media world, identifying and cultivating a relationship with SuperFans is not only good practice, but also good business.

About the author: Cynthia Nelson, Founder and CEO, Luminacion
Courtesy of mediapost


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