Multicultural Research tied to Shopper Journey [REPORT]

Multicultural consumers are no longer the minority. It’s apparent that as cultures converge, marketing to these groups must recognize cultural nuances that might impede or activate a purchase along the path to purchase.  Because of this, shopper marketing agency, Geometry Global commissioned a follow-up survey building off of Geert Hofstede’s well-known global culture study, which identified measurable cultural dimensions by which to compare cultures and potentially influence a buying decision.

This follow-up study finds that marketers must develop a deeper understanding of when a multicultural consumer behaves “mainstream” or when culture takes a back seat, vs. when culture takes the lead in the path to purchase.  The study sheds insights so that marketers can identify appropriate strategies and tactics to be used throughout the customer journey to target or “activate” multicultural shoppers.

One example is that Hispanic consumers are greatly impacted by the need to avoid uncertainty. As such they are much less open to deal with ambiguity and change than say the Chinese American. Marketers can prepare to lessen uncertainty for Hispanics at a key point in the purchase decision journey without creating a totally separate consumer journey or marketing plan.

Top 10 Research Findings:

1.       Convergence of cultural values in America and the Power of Inclusivity
2.       Influence of Culture in Shopper behaviors…research proved there are points where culture is dialed up and exerts greatest influence
3.       The Indi-Collectivism of Hispanics and the role and influence of the group
4.       Hispanics are highly Multisensorial Shoppers
5.       Hispanics have a Short-Term Orientation in terms of  ‘Living in the Now’
6.       Asians are the least assimilated ethnic group in America
7.       African Americans, Puerto Ricans and Asians score highest on the Power Distance with a need to reflect status and social position
8.       Hispanics score highest in Uncertainty Avoidance and Brand Loyalty
9.       Hispanics are Ambi-culturals.  There is a fluidity of culture depending on the occasion and situation
10.   Importance of brand lineage.  For Hispanics, many times the most successful brands are company brands

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