Marketers Still Struggle with Cross-Channel Measurement

With the rise of omnichannel marketing, companies are gauging the success of their cross-channel efforts using a variety of methods. However, not having a proper measurement technique in place can hold many back.

A June 2015 survey by The CMO Club looked at the primary methods CMOs worldwide used to evaluate the success of their cross-channel marketing efforts. More than one-third said they were not currently using a robust measurement technique, and nearly as many evaluated each channel individually and optimized based on channel-specific performance—missing out on the more robust performance information they would have by using a multichannel attribution model.

Lack of measurement can hold marketers back and could be a reason why many are not adopting omnichannel strategies at all. Only 11% of CMOs worldwide said they have a sophisticated omnichannel strategy implementation at their company, which is defined as cross-channel integration, including between online and offline.

More than a third (34%) have early implementation, which is not fully integrated across channels and 29% plan to launch in the next 6 to 12 months. One-quarter of respondents polled said they don’t have plans.

Measurement can be a challenge for some organizations, and therefore, testing and learning is important. According to a February 2014 study by Adobe, 16% of US marketers said that the ability to measure and learn from campaign effectiveness was one of the methods they thought made the biggest difference in determining marketing effectiveness.

Courtesy of eMarketer


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