Top 5 Tips to Reach Iconicity [INSIGHT]

1) Develop a unique and recognizable design language:

To create appeal and desirability, a brand must develop an offer that answers a particular consumer need. However, in order to attract loyal customers, the brand must go beyond this by developing specific features that will be immediately recognizable by any consumer. The Burberry pattern, the Coca Cola bottle, the white Apple earphones are elements that remind any consumer of the brand they stand for, even without name or indication. People just know it’s these brands and no other ones. Therefore, these little details constitute the founding pillars of the iconicity of their brand.

2) Connect with culture:

The most important lever of iconicity is how well your brand is connected with culture. Think Campbell Soup, or Lego, at a certain point in time, these brands have been perceived as vessels for cultural manifestations and have become part of the popular culture.

3) Make the most of your history and heritage:

Luxury brands often use their heritage in order to legitimize the value and quality of their products. Louis Vuitton took this a step further when they looked to their history to help rebuild the brand. They decided to return to their original core product, the travel cases. They launched new ads starring Angelina Jolie and U2 around the “journey” theme. Later the brand also released city guides that were a great success in helping crystallize the image of Louis Vuitton as a brand for travelers.

4) Move from a functional benefit to a fundamental human motivation:

Starbucks is not about quality coffee but rather about togetherness, Evian is not anymore about balanced mineral composition but more about youth and vitality. These brands have understood that they had to shift the focus from how great they were to the greatness inside us, the customer. The best example of a brand pushing for human motivation is Nike, which promise is nothing less than finding our own greatness.

5) Don’t be afraid to foster communities:

A powerful action from a brand would be to transform an individual consumerist action into a sharing experience. Many iconic brands spend huge amounts in order to organize events that bring people together and create unforgettable moments that will be forever linked to the brand. Nike for example has been organizing for several years the “Nike Women Run” around the world. Targeting the new independent women looking for challenge, the brand allows them to reunite on a single path, with music and a jovial atmosphere, and pushes them to achieve their goals. By doing so, the brand create real preference versus its competitors.

Article written by Mélanie Bonnet, Associate Director, and Caroline Sarkis, Project Executive.

Image source: Apple


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