How Long Does it Take to Completely Incorporate New Technologies into Marketing Efforts?

Marketers are increasingly adopting and incorporating new technologies into their strategy. According to a July 2015 survey, almost a third of them said it takes four to six months to fully integrate new technologies into their marketing efforts.

Skyword, a content marketing company, and Researchscape, a personal-services startup, looked at the length of time it takes for US marketers to fully integrate new technologies into their marketing efforts. Essentially, it varies. For example, 12% of respondents said it took them a month to fully integrate new technologies into their overall efforts and 21% of marketers said it took them seven to 12 months.

Additionally, 7% of marketers said it took them one to two years to fully integrate new technologies into their marketing efforts and just 1% of respondents said it took them more than three years.

Overall, technology is helping marketers in a variety of areas. It’s making it much more straightforward to personalize at scale, according to September 2015 research from Econsultancy and RedEye. In fact, more than three-quarters of client-side marketers worldwide said just that.

Courtesy of eMarketer


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