Programmatic Buying and the US Hispanic Market – – Forget About It For Now

The hottest topic in marketing, advertising and media is the PROGRAMATIC buying future.

PROGRAMMATIC buying is according to John Nardone, CEO, [x+1]:

“Programmatic buying is a subset of programmatic marketing. Programmatic marketing uses real time systems, rules and algorithms to automate the delivery of data driven, targeted and relevant experiences to consumers as they interact with a brand’s many touch points. The experiences include targeted offers, messages, content or ads across paid, owned and earned channels. The best programmatic marketing recognizes the consumer as he moves between channels and touch points, so that each interaction informs the next. Owned touch points include the marketer’s website, mobile apps, Facebook page and email. Earned touch points are those created by the consumers themselves. Programmatic buying is the paid part of programmatic marketing: the automated purchase of data driven, targeted ads whether they be online display, mobile or video ads. Programmatic buying can be accomplished through a DSP, but programmatic marketing requires a more comprehensive platform that can execute complex logic across a variety of systems, including website content management, email, call center enabled chat, mobile apps, and CRM systems.”

Basically it is automated buying by definition.

For this automated buying to occur at the most efficient and effective levels the BIG DATA on which the analysis and the execution and management of buys  made to reach the intended consumers must be accurate, defined and consistent.

Well, it is not, especially in the US Hispanic Market.  

The US Hispanic Market has been accustomed to the problems in researching US Hispanic due to their language, cultural, financial and other behaviors that define this market as very different to the mainstream market.  

Remember the olds days when our Industry had to push Nielsen and Arbitron to accept their research shortfalls and to better measure our audience.  When they managed to create some changes to better measure our consumers, our TV & Radio station dominate the ratings game in our top markets of consequence?

According to Bill Lederer an expert in Programatic trading, Advanced TV/Video data analytics and a consultant to Univision Communications Inc., he stated at the Broadcasting & Cable Programmatic Conference held in Miami that due to inconsistencies in behavioral patterns amongst US Hispanic the traditional way of capturing BIG DATA falls short on expectations and it will take years not only in the mainstream BIG DATA collection initiatives to get the most reliable data, it will be very difficult to get data on US Hispanics.

A major reason ………

In an article published in HispanicAd titled “Big Data Has A Big Diversity Problem” by Mario Carrasco of Think Now, he defines several of the problems with the collection of BIG DATA and its reliability in collecting data on US Hispanics.  One of the main elements that feeds the collection of BIG DATA is credit card information to create a consumer behavioral patterns.

Hispanics traditionally index very low on the usage of credit cards and index very high on the usage of cash.

This one element is a major challenge in tracking behavioral BIG DATA information on US Hispanics and basically blows the use of PROGRAMMATIC buying out of the water for US Hispanic ad agencies, marketers and buying units.

Garbage In – Garbage Out.

There is according to the experts not light at the end of the tunnel to bridge this information gap in the near future.

As in the beginning of our Industry Hispanic ad agencies create curves and other conceptual analysis and implementation while using TV & Radio data that was flawed to execute their media plans.  

This seems to be now, the same strategy by some digital agencies and so called experts in US Hispanic PROGRAMMATIC buying.  

Looking at other non-core BIG DATA information to manually create some type of symbiotic PROGRAMMATIC buying recommendation and decision to suffice the hunger of some clients to do something in this realm for reach US Hispanics is now the norm.

In the US Hispanic space, you need an expert to help you define where you are going in trying to reach US Hispanics.


Gene Bryan – CEO


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