Value of a Digital Ad [REPORT]

comScore, Inc. announced the publication of its latest report, The Value of a Digital Ad: How Validated Reach & Frequency Metrics Can Drive Campaign ROI.

The report discusses the challenge of using traditional reach and frequency measures in advertising campaigns, and how the application of validated impressions can provide a richer, more accurate view of these measures to drive advertising effectiveness. Recent innovations in digital ad measurement, particularly around viewability and invalid traffic (IVT), are helping reduce complexity in the ad ecosystem and provide insights for marketers and publishers seeking to determine the value of their digital advertising. To download a copy of the report, please visit:

The report examines digital ad measurement through the exploration of the two key media planning factors:

1)       Validated Reach

  •     How mobile is responsible for delivering digital audiences at scale that deliver much-desired target reach
  •     Why validated reach is more valuable than gross reach
  •     How measuring validated reach highlights the opportunity to upweight digital advertising

2)       Validated Frequency

  •     How digital drives brand lift even at higher frequency levels
  •     How to balance digital’s overall tolerance for higher frequency with the very real need for frequency controls
  •     How better controlling for viewability improves the impact of each campaign impression

To download report, CLICK HERE.



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