How Knowledgeable Are Marketers About People-Based Targeting?

Nearly a third of senior advertisers in North America are familiar with people-based targeting and know the concept well, according to February 2016 research. A further 39% said they have a general idea of what it is.

Econsultancy and Signal asked respondents about their understanding of people-based targeting—a strategic discipline that targets ads at real people rather than cookies across devices and channels&mdashand addressable media. While many senior advertisers at least had a general idea of what it was, there were some respondents who were not very familiar with it.

Indeed, 21% of senior advertisers said they have heard of people-based targeting and addressable media, but were not clear on the concepts. Additionally, 10% of respondents said they were not familiar with the terms.

Overall, both senior advertisers and media buyers say the change in the buying of people-based advertising—whether it’s their own buying or their clients’—is increasing. In fact, 22% of senior advertisers said it’s increasing quickly, and 45% of senior advertisers said it’s increasing, but slowly. Nearly a third of senior advertisers said there’ no change.

To compare, 48% of media buyers said the change in buying of people-based advertising is increasingly quickly, and 44% said it’s increasing slowly. Just 7% said there’s no change.

When it comes to how clients use people-based advertising, one-third of senior media buyers in North America said for branding. Furthermore, 31% of respondents said their clients use it for loyalty and retention of existing customers.

Upselling existing customers and acquiring new ones where other ways in which clients use people-based advertising.

Courtesy of eMarketer


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