Interactive Content Commands Content Marketing, Paid Social Channels

More than two-fifths of media and audiovisual executives in the US are creating interactive media content for content marketing, according to March 2016 polling. Nearly the same number are working on interactive content for paid social media campaigns.

Staffing firm TeamPeople surveyed media and audiovisual professionals across industries about how they use interactive media content—meaning material designed specifically for audience interaction and broadcast via digital channels.

The research revealed that content marketing (43%), paid social (42%) and internal brand promotion (42%) are the lead areas that respondents said they create interactive content for.

There are, however, some executives (18%) who said they are not creating interactive content for any of their marketing campaigns. This is perhaps a lost opportunity, particularly when considering the attitudes of consumers when an interactive element is in place.

A separate study in March 2016 from YuMe and Ipsos polled US internet users on their stance toward interactive vs. noninteractive video ads. Of those surveyed, 54% said they paid more attention to a highly interactive format, like videos that had embedded quizzes. That compared to 48% who said they paid more attention to noninteractive video ads. And nearly half of respondents said they’d opt for ads delivered with more interactivity, which can also include social features or interactive buttons.

Courtesy of eMarketerpuf


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