U.S. Advertising And Marketing Executives Reveal Hiring Plans

The employment outlook for creative talent is expected to remain relatively steady in the second half of 2017, according to new research from staffing firm The Creative Group. Nine percent of advertising and marketing executives surveyed said they plan to expand their teams. The majority of respondents (64 percent) anticipate maintaining staff levels and hiring primarily to fill vacated roles.

Marketing and Advertising Specialties in Demand
The executives surveyed who indicated they will add staff plan to do so in a range of areas in the second half of 2017, but positions in account services, mobile design and development, and marketing research topped the list.

Recruiting Challenges Persist

Forty-five percent of advertising and marketing executives said it’s challenging to find creative professionals today. Hiring managers at large advertising agencies (100 or more employees) expect the greatest difficulty, with 67 percent reporting it’s somewhat or very challenging to identify the talent they seek. According to the survey, the hardest roles to fill are those in media services, customer experience and account services.

To overcome recruiting challenges, companies may be more apt to expand their search geographically. Forty-five percent of executives said they’re now more willing to look outside their city or state to find the right person for a creative position than they were three years ago.

“Demand for digital content and services continues to grow, and companies struggle to find professionals well-versed in the latest platforms and strategies used to create unique and positive customer experiences,” said Diane Domeyer, executive director of The Creative Group. “Given strong competition for these highly skilled individuals, employers need to take a proactive and streamlined hiring approach to secure top talent.”


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