The U.S. Hispanic Creative Circle has announced that entries to the 6th USH Idea Awards are now open. Agencies will have until September 15th to submit creative pieces to the festival that will be held at The Colony Theatre in Miami Beach on Thursday, October 12, 2017.

The U.S.H. Idea Awards, the premier event for the industry, celebrate outstanding creative achievement in advertising generated by Hispanic or general market agencies targeting Hispanic consumers.

“We are expecting one of the best USH Awards shows ever,” says Ciro Sarmiento, president of Círculo Creativo and CCO of Dieste Inc. “Hispanic agencies are having an outstanding year regarding creativity, breaking award records in several different festivals. And I’m sure this will be reflected not only on the quality of the work but also on the amount of submissions.”

Gustavo Lauria, chairman at Círculo Creativo and cofounder at We Believers, added: “Our role as Círculo Creativo is to open our doors for everyone to participate, get inspired and collaborate to raise the creative bar every year. That’s why we invite top creative planners and the key professionals from production companies to join and be part of our jury once again.”

What’s New?

Círculo Creativo is launching a new category this year: Creative Data – celebrating the interplay of ideas and information – as the 17th award category. Entries in the Creative Data category must clearly demonstrate how the execution/campaign was enhanced or driven by the creative use, interpretation, analysis or application of data. The creative use of data must sit at the core of the idea and the results/impact must be clear and robust.

Also, several subcategories were updated to reflect the new reality of our industry. New subcategories will include 360° & Virtual Reality Videos and Augmented Reality, among others.

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