Podcasts: Who’s Listening, and What It Means for Marketers

Whether they’re catching up on the news in the car or tuning in to true crime on the treadmill, chances are US consumers are listening to a podcast.

Here’s what marketers need to know:

  • Who’s listening?
  • What are they listening to?

NPR is the leading podcast publisher in the US. Its monthly audience is more than double that of second-place WNYC.

  • Where are they listening?

Podcasts are easily incorporated into daily routines. Close to half of listeners tune in while driving, and more than a quarter listen at the gym.

  • What does this mean for marketers?

Podcasts give marketers access to a loyal and engaged audience. Though still a niche ad medium when compared with other audio formats, podcast ad spending is rising rapidly.

Host-read ads are the leading ad mechanism. In 2016, 60% of ads were read by the host, while 40% were pre-produced. (6)

  • Because podcast ads are generally contextually relevant, listeners are also likely to respond.


Notes: (6) Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), “IAB Podcast Ad Revenue Study: An Analysis of the Largest Players in the Podcasting Industry” conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), June 2017



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