What You Need to Know About Generation Alpha

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Members of generation Alpha (people born in 2010 until the mid-2020s as ending birth years) are used to getting information fast and easily — which can be challenging for companies to keep up. Most of this is done through AI-powered technology, such as Alexa or other voice marketing technologies.


Members of this generation also use products and brands to live better lives and connect to others, whether it’s connecting to culture through TikTok, the latest social media app, or finding new music through Spotify. For instance, besides providing a focus playlist to do homework alongside, Pandora could provide study tips and skills for kids to take with them regardless of topic.

According to Hotwire, a global communications agency, English researchers have found that it is not the overall amount of screen-time that can negatively affect children, but the quality of that screen time. These researchers consequently emphasize the importance of using technology as part of a group and urge parents to make screen-time a shared family activity. The company also reported a few facts:

  •     32 percent of generation Alpha parents think that their children value gadgets more than toys, holidays, and pets.
  •     65 percent of these parents say that their children’s needs influence their technology purchases.
  •     75 percent of U.S. parents think that their children’s use of technology will benefit them in their later careers and abilities.

In addition, pocket.watch, a studio creating global franchises from the YouTube stars and characters loved by generation alpha, focuses on finding ways to inspire kid and families through digital-first content.

To understand its target demographic, the organization conducted a large-scale study to explore the habits and households of the first truly digital generation, finding:

  •     85 percent say they love creative activities.
  •     80 percent like to solve problems.
  •     82 percent love sharing stories.
  •     63 percent have regular access to mobile devices.
  •     65 percent use YouTube on a weekly basis.
  •     89 percent of parents feel proud when their child learns technology independently.
  •     Limiting screen time is not a priority in alpha households, and sweets are demonized more.
  •     Cartoons are the most beloved genre.
  •     Parents encourage screen usage, especially when it involves positive influence and DIY crafts.
  •     YouTube is the most influential medium for kids, who mimic the behavior they see online.
  •     Kids feel most in charge when they choose what videos they watch and what sports they play.

While this generation hasn’t reached puberty yet, the influence these children have on their parents is undeniable. Of course, the habits that generation Alpha fosters, such as a digital-first lifestyle, will influence culture and marketing for the years to come — which is a fact marketers can’t ignore when strategizing how to engage consumers, provide useful products, and utilize technology.

Creating engaging, family-friendly content that takes into consideration the interests, needs, and habits of generation Alpha can result generating brand love with all members of the family, including those with buying power.

“What You Need to Know About Generation Alpha.” ANA, 2020


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