U.S. Hispanics: the future is here and it’s not acculturated [REPORT]

U.S. Hispanics offer a vast and rich opportunity for brands and marketers – but you need to root engagement in the reality of today’s hypercultural Latino.

Seeking to understand U.S. Hispanic groups brings with it its share of challenges. It is important not to just think about Hispanics through the traditional cultural lens. Within each of the disparate groups, there is a unique history and inter-connection to earlier generations that influences an individual’s engagement in American society today. This is further enriched because it is intertwined with a unique generational point of view tied to generational mores and norms. Understanding U.S. Hispanics is multi-layered and complex.

As an example, in the case of Millennial and GenZ U.S. Hispanics, relevance isn’t only viewed through a Latino cultural lens. The desire for inclusive content and communications may start from their own cultural identity, but then goes beyond just reflecting “me,” and more towards reflecting their larger generational and friend groups. As we outlined above, Latino consumers draw influence from the various cultures in their lives (thus the name hypercultural).

In an Ipsos study among Millennials, we found Latino consumers were most influenced by U.S. Latino culture and were more likely than non-Latino Whites to be influenced by their generational and online social cultures as well.

Understanding the diverse U.S. Hispanic groups is complex and not to be underestimated. Download our latest paper for insights exploring exciting changes that have led to a new future outlook and the need for marketers to root their engagement in the reality of today’s hypercultural Latino.

To download report, CLICK HERE.





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