Guidelines for working with diverse suppliers [REPORT]

The Association of National Advertisers (ANA), along with 4A’s and the ANA’s Alliance for Inclusive & Multicultural Marketing (AIMM), have created a set of guidelines to help marketers and agencies partner with diverse media suppliers and improve their ways of working together.

Supplier diversity is defined as “a proactive business program which encourages the use of women-owned, ethnic/minority-owned, veteran-owned, LGBTQ-owned, disability-owned, and small businesses as suppliers”. The new guidance aims to strengthen companies’ Diversity, Equity and Inclusion strategy and drive brand growth.

ANA CEO Bob Liodice said: “DEI issues are at the top of every marketer’s list of priorities, and this report offers solid advice on how they can improve their relationships with diverse media suppliers. These guidelines directly address how marketers can overcome some of the longstanding obstacles that have prevented successful partnerships with the diverse media community.”

It covers 20 guidelines including on alternative media metrics, payment terms, certification requirements, identifying diverse suppliers, and increasing limited inventory. The new guidance also covers areas such as marketer leadership buy-in, legal requirements, creative messaging, the RFI/RFP process, procurement, and media buying parameters.

To download report, CLICK HERE.



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