For Success in Marketing, “Curiosity Is More Productive Than Certainty”

By Allen Adamson

The need for certainty is a gravitational pull shared by all marketers. From project to project, our clients ask us (and we ask each other), “Are you sure this is going to work? Is it going to sell the product?” This would seem both natural, and rational. Selling the product is what we do for a living. It’s what makes our world go ’round.

But a focus on certainty is not the most useful strategy when it comes to producing work that prompts a consumer to buy the goods and services we want to sell. Certainty is certainly very comfortable, but it’s not realistic, especially in a world as, well, uncertain and as quickly changing as the one in which we live. Nor is it realistic relative to the mercurial and often misleading temperament of consumers.

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Courtesy of Association of National Advertisers


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