Why You Need a RFM Revamp

By Dave Lokes

Making it through the holidays is the hardest part of a retail marketer’s job. But, after the New Year, it’s hardly time to sit back and relax. What comes next can make or break how successful the next year could be.

Gift-givers flood our business, and we are so privileged to welcome them to our brand. But as soon as the calendar page turns, we must start the triage in order to engage, nurture, and ultimately activate more purchases across your shopper cohorts by separating new shoppers into categories to help with prioritization and strategic initiatives. The tried-and-true RFM framework (recency, frequency, monetary) is a good place for all retailers to focus to make the most headway with holiday buyers. From there, retailers can layer tactics like AI-driven triggers and KPIs like customer movement to drive more purchases throughout the year.

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Courtesy of The Association of National Advertisers



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