A CMO’s Guide to Unlocking the Potential of Human-Centered AI – Creating better experiences for consumers requires a human touch and an AI boost

By Andres Reyes

As digital experiences continue to influence how brands interact with consumers, paradoxically, human experiences are more critical than ever to building the strong emotional connections required to secure purchase and loyalty.

For years, McKinsey’s research on the consumer decision journey has helped CMOs and brand managers understand the overlay of touchpoints, from strategy and branding to media investment and channel management, needed to travel from initial consideration to purchase likelihood. According to the 2023 McKinsey Global Survey of business leaders, 40 percent of organizations plan to increase investments in AI, thanks to advancements in generative AI. Marketing and sales, product and service development, and services operations, including customer care, were the most commonly used functions at the surveyed organizations. It’s safe to assume that human-centered AI (HCAI) will be shaping marketing and experiential campaigns across agencies and brands in 2024.

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Courtesy of The Association of National Advertisers


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