Celebrating Latina Women: Las Super Shoppers
October 1, 2020
Young, diverse, busy, empowered, and family-centered, Latinas are one of the fastest-growing segments among the U.S. population and will represent more than 20% of U.S. women by 2024. They are responsible for more than a trillion dollars of household spend, yet less than 3.6% of U.S. ad spending is invested on them. Are you ready to earn these super shoppers’ business?
Here are five ways that can help you win with Latina women:
- Achieve representation beyond casting: Four in 10 Hispanics stopped purchasing a brand because of its lack of representation. It’s not about portraying a particular skin color, since Latina women are racially diverse. They are demanding authentic, relatable, non-stereotypical shopping experiences and they are willing to pay more for brands that truly represent them in the right context. This is especially important for categories like Food at Home, Beauty and Hair Care, Apparel, and Department Stores, which Latina women over-index in.
- Curate a mobile-first omnichannel shopping experience: Hispanic women are hyperconnected to their smartphones and to their online community. They are also cyber-shoppers and 29% more likely to perceive mobile advertising as meaningful. They connect, browse, compare, engage, and share information about brands before, during and after visiting a physical store. It is essential to include shopper marketing efforts on their favorite social media platforms: Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook.
- Adopt a segmented approach to avoid generalization and stereotypes: Hispanic/LatinX women are not a monolithic; they are diverse in terms of country of origin, family roots, language, generation, acculturation, education, life stage, etc. Here are five different segments in terms of acculturation to help retailers narrow their target: Latin Americans, Hispanics, Ambicultural, New Latina, and Americanized.
- Authentically tap into cultural connectors: It’s crucial to go beyond Spanish direct translations. As Latina women are becoming increasingly ambicultural, retailers need to identify more cultural connectors like music, entertainment, food, fashion, family values, community purpose, etc., to find common ground between their brand values and products and the Hispanic culture.
- Diversify your marketing team: Including Hispanic marketing leaders helps retailers have a deeper understanding about this unique and nuanced market. Bringing new voices, cultures, and more representation to the process helps avoid stereotypes, and it’s proven to help companies outperform financially.
Contributed By: Vanessa Daly, Cultural Strategist, Integer Dallas.