10 reasons why we #Latinos are the original #Millennials

By Gonzalo López Martí /  LMMIAMI.COM

And one day you come to the realization: everything we’ve heard about those darned Millennials has been previously said about us Hispanics. Hopelessly spoiled? Check. Unruly? Check. Mentally scattered and unable to follow instructions? Check. Collaborative? Prone to self-employment and job hopping? Check. Hey, don’t take my word for it, y’all.

Here’s the facts.

1)    We live with our helicopter moms until our mid 30s. They spoil us silly from cradle to grave. And beyond.
2)    Hence, we don’t just think we are unique and special, we are positive about it. This heavy dose of healthy narcissism gives us a penchant to be overly optimistic and, sometimes, reckless.
3)    We behave like teenagers well into our 50s (particularly men).
4)    We are obsessed with our looks and will undergo cosmetic surgery with reckless abandon (particularly women).
5)    We are prone to loud, look-at-me attire & personal styling choices: hair, makeup, shoes, fragrances, tattoos.
6)    We mix work with partying. And vice versa.
7)    We are the most self-employed ethnicity in the country. If not the world. Universe.
8)    When on somebody else’s payroll, we can’t hold on to our job for more than four seasons in a row.
9)    We are the original creators of the disappearing paycheck.
10)    We are the ultimate credit card-balance jugglers. We max out our first plastic when other ethnicities are getting their Bar Mitzvah.

To be continued.


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