14th Annual Marketing to U.S. Hispanics & Latin America Conference.

On January 27-29, the Strategic Research Institute brings to Miami the 14th Annual Marketing to U.S. Hispanics & Latin America Conference which sheds light on the latest developments in marketing to U.S. Hispanics and Latin America.

Hispanic marketing thought leaders and segment marketing experts will discuss what’s being done successfully, Hispanic buying power, trends in consumer behavior, and tools and techniques to allocate resources and measure ROI on marketing.

Case Studies Providing an In-Depth Look on:

· Cause Related Marketing – Build the Brand and Bond with the Community
· Effectively Reach the Luxury Hispanic Buyer within the Automotive Segment
· Utilizing Cultural and Social Understanding for Effective Product & Marketing Decisions
· Penetrating the High-Growth Small & Medium-Sized Business Segments in Latin America
· Top Ten Best Practices for Successfully Reaching Hispanics Online

Action-Packed Panel Discussions on:

· Latin America’s Consumer Credit Boom: Should Marketers Rethink Their LatAm Strategy
· The Impact on Print Publications by the Increasing Popularity of Online and New Media within the Hispanic Community
· Understanding Hispanic Online User Behavior
· Maximize the Internet to Reach Hispanic Youth
· Optimize the ROI on Online Marketing

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