2005 Alternative Media Upfront In NYC.

Advertising agency executives, media planners and buyers, and clients from a wide variety of industries gathered at a Santa Monica art gallery for a first look at what’s ahead in the alternative media arena for 2005. Attendees of the event, sponsored by AKA Media Networks, Border Billboard, Pocket Billboards and Mi Hogar, were presented with a unique “10% Challenge”: Is the last 10% of your traditional media budget working as hard as the first 10%?”

Roberto Orcí, President of M3 Orcí Consulting and former head of La Agencia de Orcí, answered this question with a resounding “No”. “Many of our clients are looking to get increasingly better results with the same media budgets, and alternative media can get that job done.”

Upfront attendees were also given an advance copy of the “Guide to IMPACT Media Planning”, a one-of-a-kind primer for alternative media products and services. Event organizer and AKA Media CEO Alex Kahan stated, “We are truly proud to be able to share our vision of the new media landscape with such a dynamic group of people.” Partner and AKA Media COO Marcelino Miyares added, “With every alternative media channel, we break new ground. Sometimes it’s enough to just look at things in different ways; other times it requires a huge leap of faith. But you have a lot more to gain than you have to lose.”

As cable and satellite TV have fragmented the market and virtually obliterated the dominance of network television, measuring advertising effectiveness has grown increasingly away from traditional reach and frequency models, and toward impact – how new and alternative media products influence the consumer and get results.

Alternative media advertiser Brian Pope, Vice President of Marketing Services for Universal Studios Hollywood, recently utilized a Border Billboard program to promote the park’s “Revenge of the Mummy” attraction. “AKA Media Networks has access to creative, breakthrough media vehicles. We are committed to expanding our use of alternative media for future promotional efforts.”

For more information at http://www.akamedianet.com

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