2005 Was Another Record Year for High-Speed Internet.

Leichtman Research Group, Inc. (LRG) found that the twenty largest cable and DSL providers in the US – representing about 94% of the market – achieved record net high-speed Internet additions in 2005. Combined net additions for the year totaled over 9.6 million subscribers – a total that exceeded the previous record set in 2004 by over 1 million subscribers.

Other key findings for the quarter include:

– As of the end of 2005, the top broadband providers accounted for over 42.8 million high-speed Internet subscribers

– The top cable broadband providers now have a 57% share of the overall market versus DSL and account for over 24.3 million high-speed Internet subscribers compared to 18.5 million for DSL

– The top DSL providers netted 53% of the broadband additions in 2005

– DSL providers added over 5.2 million broadband subscribers in 2005 – about 1 million more than in 2004

– Cable operators added about 4.4 million broadband subscribers in 2005 – a nearly identical total as in 2004

– The fourth quarter of 2005 was the best quarter ever for DSL providers, adding nearly 1.5 million net additional DSL subscribers, capturing 57% of the net 2.64 million high-speed Internet additions for the quarter. Cable operators added virtually the same number of subscribers during the quarter as a year ago, while DSL providers added about 350,000 more subscribers than in the fourth quarter of 2004

“With about 10 million additional broadband subscribers in the US in 2005, the number of net broadband additions has increased every year this decade” said Bruce Leichtman, president and principal analyst for Leichtman Research Group, Inc. “Cable operators have added virtually the same number of broadband subscribers in each of the past three years, while DSL providers have grown the market primarily by offering lower priced services.”

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For more information at http//:www.LeichtmanResearch.com

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