2007 Digital Future Report.

The Center for the Digital Future at the USC Annenberg School is pleased to present the results of the sixth year of our project, “Surveying the Digital Future.” The six years of longitudinal research comprise an absolutely unique data base that completely captures broadband at home, the wireless Internet, on-line media, user-generated content and, now, social networking.

This year’s report contains a large module looking at on-line communities and social networking in great detail. Readers can compare the social networking data and correlate it to six years of attitudes and behaviors on-line. As usual, the report continues to track off-line media use, purchasing both off-line and through e-commerce, social and political activity and a wealth of other data.

The Center for the Digital Future at the USC Annenberg School has been tracking a representative sample of the American population for over six years, watching as people move on line and then move from modems to broadband. The project also carefully tracks those who drop off the net each year and whether they return and if so, when and what brings them back. At the end of six years, we also have an unparalleled view of the non users who do not go on line. We carefully examine why they are not users and whether they are likely to ever go on line.

The Center is committed to providing highlights of the Digital Future Report free of charge to anyone interested in tracking the ways in which technology is changing the social, political or economic fabric of our lives. The full report, 127 pages of charts, narrative and great detail is available for purchase.

To view report CLICK on link below (Adobe Acrobat Reader required):

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