2021’s Most Diverse Cities in the U.S.

America is undergoing an extreme makeover, thanks to rapid demographic diversification. For example, while non-Hispanic whites are expected to remain the largest ethnic group for the foreseeable future, they will likely no longer make up a majority of the population by 2045. As the U.S. diversifies, it must stamp out hatred and promote unity, and there’s a lot of work to do. For example, anti-Asian hate crimes spiked by nearly 150% in 2020.

It’s important to embrace diversity – and it’s good for the economy, too. Not only have waves of immigration changed the face of the nation, they’ve also brought in fresh perspectives, skills and technologies to help the U.S. develop a strong adaptability to change. Economies generally fare better when they openly embrace and capitalize on new ideas. Conversely, those relying on old ways and specialized industries tend to be hurt more by changes in the market.

This article is the final installment in WalletHub’s diversity study series. It combines household diversity and religious diversity with our previous reports on socioeconomic diversity, cultural diversity and economic diversity. WalletHub tallied the scores across the five major diversity categories for 501 of the largest cities across 13 metrics.

Source: WalletHub

To see complete list of cities, CLICK HERE.




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