30% response rate for Editorial Televisa.

Editorial Televisa revealed key findings from a readership study conducted in conjunction with Simmons Market Bureau among six of its US Hispanic titles. The study was generated to provide advertisers and potential buyers new information on Editorial Televisa readers’ habits, demographic characteristics, purchasing behavior and usage of selected products and services in the United States.

The results confirmed and validated the trend of engagement in the general market. With an average response rate of 30 percent, “Editorial Televisa subscribers exceeded all expectations in this category,” said Dave Aneckstein, Director of Marketing & Communications for Simmons Market Research.

“Simmons Research has found Editorial Televisa readers to be very engaged readers… over 70 percent of readers say they save their issues, allowing friends and family a chance to see them, and one-third say they save the advertisements,” declared Chris Wilson, President and COO of Simmons Research (an Experian company). Close to 99% of polled readers and
subscribers confirmed a significant attachment and bond to the company’s beloved magazines.

The involvement readers expressed toward Editorial Televisa’s titles was impressive: Vanidades readers were quoted on spending an average of 91 minutes with the magazine; Cosmopolitan en español and TVyNovelas readers admitted to reading the magazine an average of 4.8 and 4.6 times respectively; 30% percent of ESPN Deportes La Revista and Tu Dinero readers claimed to save ads as sources for future use; and 72% of Prevention en español readers demonstrated their loyalty by making it the only magazine they read at home.

On a demographics perspective, Editorial Televisa readers proved to possess higher education levels than the average Hispanic in the United States, as well as high levels of sophistication and income level: “They are health conscious, participate in 401K savings, own IRAs, play the stock market, own their own cars, subscribe to cable television, and are heavy purchasers of electronics,” said Aneckstein, “We were surprised to find how health-conscious they can be!”
Numbers were also on Editorial Televisa’s side: Vanidades has the largest number of readers who pass along the magazine to others – close to 50% – thus confirming the reach of Vanidades readers as measured by Simmons NCS/NHCS with 2,118,000 million readers.

The methodology for this qualitative and quantitative readership study consisted of a subscription mailing, online survey and in-book component among readers of its larger titles: TVyNovelas, Vanidades, and Cosmopolitan en español, while Tu Dinero, ESPN Deportes La Revista, and Prevention en español readers and subscribers were invited to participate in a telephone interview.

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