98.55% of People use at Least 4 Social Media Platforms Daily [REPORT]

In the past few years, the popularity of social networking is rapidly increasing in a short period. Social media was originally created to communicate and keep in contact with those near and afar. But with the growing popularity of social media took an unusual turn and has become one of the most effective advertising platforms. At present, there are numerous SMM firms; at GoodFirms you can reach the Top Social Media Marketing Companies that will help you to drive traffic to your website and generate more leads.

Presently, you can check out the new research done by GoodFirms on Social Media Usage which emphasizes how much time people spend using a varied range of social media platforms. According to this survey, they found that 98.55% of people use at least four social media platforms daily that are LinkedIn (98.97%), Facebook (95.45%), YouTube (92.77%), and Messenger (77.69%) are the top social media that are used at least once a day.

To gather this information, GoodFirms surveyed globally in which 450+ social media users participated that were from the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, India, Ukraine, Belarus, Romania, Singapore, and many other countries. The respondents that shared their valuable knowledge use social media regularly, including 14.46% of highly active users, 56.56% of moderate users and 28.98% of fewer actives users.

These users were asked several questions about the social media usage like how many platforms they use in a day, which one of them they use the most, how much time they spend on each, what type of content they post or engage and many more.

Thus, this research can be very useful as nowadays, social media has become an integral part of every marketing strategy. Many of the entrepreneurs and individuals are hiring the Top Digital Marketing Companies to help them connect with targeted customers, creating market presence, increase awareness and boost their leads and sales.

Recently, GoodFirms had also surveyed Digital Marketing Tactics to reveal which are the most effective ways to create better and efficient marketing strategies. So that the digital marketers and businesses that can utilize them to stay ahead of their competitors. In this research, there were about 100+ digital marketing experts who assisted in putting forward the successful techniques to use for online marketing.

Washington DC, based GoodFirms.co is an internationally renowned B2B research, ratings and reviews platform. It endeavors to create a bridge for the service seekers to associate with best partners that suit their business needs and budget.

The analyst team of GoodFirms performs rigorous scrutiny to evaluate and index the most excellent firms from diverse sectors of industries globally. This research process includes three main key factors that are Quality, Reliability, and Ability.

These elements also incorporate with several qualitative and quantitative metrics such as verifying the past and present portfolio of each agency to understand their background, years of experience in the area of their expertise, solid market presence and feedback from clients.

After analyzing every firm with the above statistics, all of them are compared with each other and then allot them the scores that are out of total 60. Then, considering these points, all the agencies are indexed in the list of brilliant marketing companies, Best Branding Agencies, top software and various firms from different sectors of industries.

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