Advertisers’ Interest In Olympics Varies Greatly Around The World.

Whether you’re surrounded by advertising and promotion tied to the 2004 Summer Olympic Games probably depends on where in the world you are situated.

According to an ICOM global survey, interest and activity among advertisers related to 2004 Summer Olympic Games starting Aug. 13 in Greece, range from a fever pitch in Australia, Brazil and Italy to little attraction in Korea and Switzerland.

In Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Guatemala and Italy, more than half of all advertising and marketing activity just prior and during the event is expected to be Olympics-connected.

The survey of ICOM members was designed to gauge the pulse of advertisers around the world related to the event. Rollinsville, Colorado (USA)-based ICOM (, a leading global network of independent advertising agencies, has members in more than 50 countries, representing (US)$2.3 billion in revenues annually. The members were asked to rank on a scale of 1-to-5 the importance of the Olympics with respect to advertising and promotion in their markets.

The findings indicate there is interest in connections to the Olympics all across the globe but that interest varies greatly within regions, according to the respondents in 25 countries.

For example within EMEA, there is no middle ground. There is high interest in Italy, Belgium, Germany, Holland and Spain and little interest in Israel, Switzerland, Turkey and U.K. Within Latin America, the interest is more evenly spread out. Brazil received a 5 ranking, followed by Mexico (4), Argentina (4/3), Guatemala (3), Dominican Republic (3/2), Colombia (2), Venezuela (2). Similarly in Asia, Australia’s rank of 5, is followed by Indonesia at 4; Malaysia, Pakistan and Philippines at 3 each; and Korea at 1.

Since seven of the 11 international sponsors which paid tens of millions of dollars for that designation are U.S.-based and the NBC network is carrying more than 1,200 hours of coverage, interest in the U.S. is relatively high nationally but varies greatly across the country from high levels in Hawaii and Portland, Oregon, to much lower in Minneapolis and Atlanta.

Additional findings from the survey about activities in each market are also available. Executives from ICOM agencies around the world are also available for further comment.

ICOM and its more than 85 agency members cover 95% of the world’s markets and offer a full range of integrated marketing and media communications services. Founded in 1950, the network is an alternative to the huge and increasingly similar agency groups.

Percentage of advertising and marketing activity just prior and during the event that is Olympic-related:

Australia – 70%; among top 10 advertisers: 90%
Italy – 60%
Guatemala – 50%
Argentina – 40%-50%
Brazil – 33% of advertising; 60% when promotions are included
Holland – 30%
Indonesia – 30%
Mexico – 25%-30%
Dominican Republic – 10%-20%
Belgium – 15%
Israel – 10%-15%
Philippines – 10%-15%
Pakistan – 10%-12%
Malaysia – 10%
New Zealand – less than 10%
Colombia – 8%-10%
Germany – 5%-10%
Venezuela – less than 5%
Spain – 3%-4%
UK – 3%
Turkey – negligible
Switzerland – 0

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