
Why Do Marketers Find the Cloud Dreamy?

Technologies to create, manage and measure marketing and advertising have become essential tools to reach and engage increasingly connected audiences.

YouTube Personalities wield More Power with Key Audience [REPORT]

According to the report, digital content has become king and online personalities reign as the most relatable and influential, with 13-24 viewers revealing a considerable 11.3 hours weekly watching “free” online video and declaring the internet the dominant platform delivering the experience and content more suited to their lifestyle. A large driver of that consumption was that for the 62 percent majority, digital content just makes them feel good about themselves vs. 40 percent reported for TV.

5 Ways Social Media Listening can Benefit your Brand [INSIGHT]

From a strategic marketing perspective, social media provides brands with a wealth of data that can inform their brand strategy. Consumers are posting comments about the brands they like and the ones they don’t like; they capture negative and positive experiences related to products and services, and provide reasons for their opinions.

The Path to Efficient Trade Promotions

Much like the media realm, the consumer product landscape is becoming increasingly fragmented. Competition is rising, new channels are developing and choice is rampant. The combination of these and many other factors has retailers and manufacturers shuffling myriad promotion options to best publicize their products and boost sales.

Are You Going Against The Corporate Tide? [INSIGHT]

Here’s the crux. In spite of the fact that as an industry of Hispanic marketers we’ve become very sophisticated in our methods and resources, we’re still stuck in a time warp. What do I mean by this? We continue to focus on US, what WE do well, what WE need and what the Hispanic market needs instead of focusing on our clients’ companies or the companies where we own responsibility for Hispanic Marketing and where we’re responsible for contributing to OVERALL growth.  By Terry Soto, Author and CEO, About Marketing Solutions, Inc.

Marketers: How To Succeed With Data [INSIGHT]

Data is hot — and if you’re not using for your marketing and advertising needs, then you’re likely going to be stumbling badly in the next 12-24 months.

What You Don’t Know About Millennials And Content Marketing

Google “Millennial” and it’s easy to see why every marketer is freaking out trying to reach this often misunderstood generation.

#TotalMarketTalk – Marla Skiko, EVP Director Digital Innovation, SMG Multicultural [INSIGHT & VIDEO]

Welcome to the second episode of #TotalMarketTalk, a new Digital series created by NGL Media and NGLC exclusively for HispanicAd.  In this installment, David Chitel, CEO of NGL Media and Founder of NGLC, speaks with Marla Skiko, EVP Director Digital Innovation at SMG Multicultural about all things Digital.  Hear Marla’s take on everything from “Total Market” to Big Data to the role that burgeoning platforms like Vine are playing in the world of reaching and engaging today’s digitally-connected multicultural audience.

Brands set to drive consumer engagement through personalization [REPORT]

In the global study, ZenithOptimedia looked at how new technologies are set to impact retail, media and entertainment and how brands are likely to leverage these innovations to create personalized consumer experiences as part of their communication strategies.

Do Marketers Rely on Instinct Over ROI?

Marketers are still struggling to measure return on investment (ROI), according to a November 2014 study by Webmarketing123, which found that 33% of US business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) marketing professionals still didn’t know which channel made the biggest impact on revenues.

Brand success in an era of Digital Darwinism [INSIGHT]

The Internet has become an indispensable tool for marketers, yet there are still gaps in understanding its role in shaping how consumers choose among brands. With the help of a powerful data set, we have been studying the relationship between the level of digitization across the consumer’s decision journey and the likelihood that a consumer will select a brand after considering and evaluating its qualities.

The New Multicultural Economy Boosts The U.S. Total Economy

In the 10 states that constitute half of the consumer Buying Power and the US GDP, Multicultural (M/C) segments are near HALF of the overall population, they generate over 90% of the population growth and almost 40% of the growth in Buying Power, that’s why we call them the ‘Top 10 Total Market (TM) States’. Over 75% of the U.S. newly employed & incremental personal income generated in the entire U.S. in 2014 was also generated by Multicultural; concentrated in White & Gray collar jobs.

Strong Economic Outlook Spurs Marketing Spending [REPORT]

Marketing leaders report their most positive outlook since the recession hit six years ago, according to new results from The CMO Survey.

MULTICULTURAL ECONOMY: 2014 – 2015 Trends and Why It Matters To Marketers [INSIGHT]

Multicultural new hires are driving the growth of overall U.S. employment while WNH drop off the labor rosters.  By Santiago Solutions Group

Media Usage Does Not Always Mean Ad-Reach Opportunity [INSIGHT]

Judged by their actions and words, it seems many industry folks believe that “media usage” is directly linked with a corresponding opportunity to reach those people with ads. On the contrary: The two things are not the same, and believing it won’t make it so.

The Rise of the Marketer: Driving Engagement, Experience and Revenue [REPORT]

The Economist Intelligence Unit, commissioned by Marketo, conducted a survey that includes responses from 478 CMOs and senior marketing executives worldwide to get their perspective on marketing’s rapid transformation and how to ride the tidal wave of change.

The Chase for ROI in Sports

We can’t fault you; we’ve all been trained to do it. In every business, large or small, we continue chasing it. When will we realize what we might be looking for, might not be there?

Exploding Growth in Food: “Good for You with Tasty Ethnic Flavors”

Brands that innovate by combining “Better for You” alternatives combined with some ethnic flair tend to achieve 3 to 5 times faster buyer growth than the mere Total Market (TM)  0.3% average. In other words, Healthy-minded consumers want to join in on the fun, and innovative brands are helping them bake the cake and eat it too…literally! The three big high buyer growth, high wellness score winners for Total Market are:  Organic everything, Ready-to-serve dips, and Ethnic Ready to Eat. What this means is that growth will not come from just adding a jalapeño flavor to your product, but it MUST also be good for you (Organic Spicy Nachos Chips….please!).  Courtesy of Santiago Solutions Group.

Using Content Marketing to Connect with Latina Moms

With all the buzz surrounding Millennials, marketers should keep their eye on Latina moms. This influential demographic controls the majority of Hispanic purchasing power, is growing in numbers, and is looking for content that is tailored to them.  by Lee Vann / Captura Group

Are You Afraid Of The Future Of Marketing?

All the excitement about technology and data in the marketing ecosystem creates new opportunities  — but opportunity depends on change, and change requires new roles and skills. What roles are we giving up when we create these new opportunities?  Will your job be threatened if you don’t know how to proceed?

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