
New 2022 Population Estimates Show Most Large Cities and Towns Grew Faster or Lost People at Slower

Many cities at the core of large U.S. metropolitan areas were no longer among the largest population losers in 2022, reversing a pattern seen during the first full year of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021.

Facebook Waning, TikTok Gaining Among U.S. Moms [REPORT]

It’s May and that means Moms are on our mind, having just celebrated Mother’s Day and released our Moms and Media 2023 study. The report combines data from a sample of U.S. Moms from Edison’s Infinite Dial® (sponsored by Amazon Music, Wondery and ART19), with recent data from an additional online survey of Moms. One top-of-mind finding fresh from this latest report is that fewer Social Media Moms are using Facebook most. Among Moms who use any social media, 54% say they use Facebook most. Notably, back in 2017, a solid 72% of Social Media Moms cited they used Facebook most. As the graph below illustrates, Facebook’s dominance has been trending downward.

Diverse Cultures and Shared Experiences Shape Asian American Identities [REPORT]

The nation’s Asian population is fast growing and diverse. Numbering more than 23 million, the population has ancestral roots across the vast, ethnically and culturally rich Asian continent. For Asians living in the United States, this diversity is reflected in how they describe their own identity.

66% of Marketers lack confidence in their ability to achieve revenues goals

The CMO Council announced a new research report, “Outsmart Adversity: How CMOs Can Weather Economic Headwinds and Emerge Poised for Growth.” The report finds that 2 in 3 marketing leaders lack confidence in their ability to achieve goals in the face of economic adversity and uncertainty. Nearly 8 in 10 express concerns around lack of investment or budget cuts. Challenges with executing data-driven marketing strategies contribute to this lack of confidence.

Persistent Poverty at County and Census-Tract Level [REPORT]

The U.S. Census Bureau released a new report, “Persistent Poverty in Counties and Census Tracts.” While definitions vary, geographies are typically considered to be in persistent poverty if they maintained poverty rates of 20% or more for 30 years.

Podcasters are more influential than traditional Influencers [REPORT]

The growing popularity of podcasts is an indicator of the changing landscape of media entertainment, as more people are tuning in regularly to listen to their favorite podcasters. In turn, podcasters are becoming deeply entrenched in the cultural zeitgeist. MAGNA’s Media Trials unit joined forces with Vox Media to explore this emerging phenomenon; in particular, what is it about podcasts that resonates with people and how.

Opportunities for Marriage, Partnership Shape Women’s Family Incomes

White women were not only more likely than Black women to have a spouse or partner but their spouses and partners tended to earn more, making White women more likely to attain upward mobility through partnerships, according to new U.S. Census Bureau research.

As media options proliferate, quality audience data is the key to delivering marketing impact

By 2025, experts believe the world will be rife with about 175 zettabytes of data. It would take 1.8 billion years to download that much data with an average internet connection. For marketers, this much data could pose a challenge, seeing as how their task is identifying who, out of the 8 billion people1 on the planet, is generating the data that best represents their target audience.

US consumers send mixed signals in an uncertain economy

With inflationary pressures and a tight labor market, our latest Consumer Pulse Survey shows that shoppers across America are sometimes feeling and acting in contradictory ways.

The need for consistent measurement in a digital-first landscape [REPORT]

Few changes in the media industry are as defining as audiences’ relationship with television. And the latest evolution capturing audiences’ attention is streaming services, smart TVs, and the content they support. In the U.S. alone, Americans watched 19 million years worth of streaming content in 2022.

7 New Findings About The Podcast Audience: The Cumulus Media 2023 Audioscape

Audio is a huge part of life for Americans. While AM/FM radio dominates the audio landscape with mass reach and significant time spent, podcasts and smart speakers are fast growing platforms representing engaging environments for brands.

3 Ways Software Is Fueling Localized Marketing at Scale

Pairing Media Placement with Quality Creative in Order to Drive Stronger Ad Effectiveness [REPORT]

Media placement and creative work hand in hand when it comes to effective advertising strategies. A new study by MAGNA Media Trials and Yahoo set out to understand the role that creative quality plays in ad effectiveness, and the elements that contribute to quality creative. Creative, the Performance Powerhouse found that while media placement helps marketers find consumers where they are, creative quality was responsible for 56% of purchase intent, illustrating the strong performance of both tactics as they work together. The study suggests that marketers can greatly benefit from making small improvements to their creative in order to optimize ad performance, while also driving brand quality and trust.

3 things to know about the 2023 consumer

The pandemic brought about some significant changes in consumer behavior that many experts thought would become permanent fixtures on the retail landscape.

A CMO’s Guide to Zero-Party Data

By now, almost every CMO should have a mandate to acquire more first party data (if not, please call me ASAP). The impending doom of a cookieless future, coupled with iOS changes already in effect, and endless changes to privacy regulations, have marketers scurrying to solve how their brands will reach consumers effectively and in a personalized and relevant way.

The Youth Kaleidoscope [REPORT]

To date, much of the research surrounding Gen Z and Gen Alpha presents a fairly one-dimensional view. Both groups are often portrayed as ‘freedom fighters’ rebelling against systems and structures they have inherited. But much of this sentiment inadvertently puts pressure on these young people to conform and doesn’t look to their individual and nuanced characteristics. It presumes young people to be a uniform monolith instead of a generation pulsating with ideas and passions for their futures.

Is Your Influencer Marketing Program Compliant?

In 2022, advertisers spent over $16 billion globally on influencer marketing, an 18.8 percent increase over the prior year. Fueling the growth of this sector is the purported return on investment, which claims an average of $5.20 for every $1.00 invested, according to Influencer Marketing Hub.

How Americans View Their Jobs  [REPORT]

In the wake of the Great Resignation and amid reports of “quiet quitting,” only about half of U.S. workers say they are extremely or very satisfied with their job overall, according to a new Pew Research Center survey. Even smaller shares express high levels of satisfaction with their opportunities for training and skills development, how much they are paid and their opportunities for promotion.

The Future of Consumer Ownership

When it comes to technology and data, and how it's used, companies have historically controlled the levers. However, with all the recent and upcoming industry changes, there are cultural shifts afoot. Many industry leaders believe consumers will be in more powerful positions than in the past, having more control over their data and their purchases.

What is Gen Z?

Generation Z comprises people born between 1996 and 2010. This generation’s identity has been shaped by the digital age, climate anxiety, a shifting financial landscape, and COVID-19.

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