
A decade of shopping shows mums are the biggest influencers

Inter-generational loyalty; children continuing the shopping habits of their parents when they set up their own household, is the biggest driver of FMCG unit growth. Brands of the Decade, a new analysis of shopper behaviour since 2012 shows that, in 2021, branded FMCG items were chosen a total of 382 billion times, up 16% compared to a decade before.

Sports fandom is increasing, powered by new digital platforms [REPORT]

Study by Nielsen and LaLiga Tech shows younger viewers are following more sport than older counterparts, but with a heavy preference towards streaming and mobile experiences, including Fantasy games.

Marketing in the metaverse: An opportunity for innovation and experimentation

Talk of the metaverse has been ubiquitous over the past several months.  In 2021, internet searches for the term increased by 7,200 percent. In December, Facebook rebranded itself as Meta, and CEO Mark Zuckerberg declared his ambition to “help bring the metaverse to life.” A month later, Microsoft said that its proposed acquisition of gaming giant Activision provided “building blocks for the metaverse.”

U.S. teens are more likely than adults to support the Black Lives Matter movement

American teenagers are more likely than adults to express support for the Black Lives Matter movement, according to two Pew Research Center surveys fielded this spring.

Americans Are Adopting Ad-Supported Streaming Services at a Faster Rate Than Non-Ad Subscription-Based Streaming Services

Comscore, Inc. announced that ad-supported streaming services (AVOD) are seeing adoption at a faster rate than subscription-based services (SVOD), with a 29% increase in U.S. households streaming AVODs in 2022 compared to 2020 vs a 21% increase during the same period for SVODs.

Loneliness in gen Z

Younger generations are expressing a need for deeper engagement and more authentic social interaction, but can they find it online?

Q1 2022 Global Connected TV (CTV) Ad Supply Chain Trends [REPORT]

Pixalate released the Q1 2022 Global Connected TV (CTV) Ad Supply Chain Trends Report, a comprehensive analysis of the state of open programmatic CTV advertising through Q1 2022.

46% of Adults Watch Video via a Connected TV Device Daily

ew consumer research from Leichtman Research Group, Inc. (LRG) finds that 87% of U.S. TV households have at least one Internet-connected TV device, including connected Smart TVs, stand-alone streaming devices (like Roku, Amazon Fire TV sticks or boxes, Chromecast, or Apple TV), connected video game systems, and/or connected Blu-ray players. This compares to 80% with at least one connected TV device in 2020, 69% in 2017, and 38% in 2012.

Gen Z Demands Diversity & Inclusion, Upvotes Brands That Level Up

America’s youth, the first multicultural majority generation in U.S. history, is growing rapidly, adding over 2.3 million consumers (about twice the population of New Hampshire) to the population each year, making them a significant force to be reckoned with. These "mini-millennials” challenge brands to address societal stereotypes, particularly around gender identity, and use their influence to support or disapprove of brands’ diversity and inclusion efforts.  By Mario X. Carrasco

Inflation and Interest Rate Hikes Weigh on Consumer Sentiment in May

Consumer confidence dipped slightly in May, after rising modestly in April. The decline in the Present Situation Index was driven solely by a perceived softening in labor market conditions. By contrast, views of current business conditions—which tend to move ahead of trends in jobs—improved.

4 things retailers need to know about inflation

As the United States experiences record levels of inflation, the prices of goods and services are continuing to climb. Consumers and retailers alike are feeling the pinch and wondering what’s next.

HMC devotes a week of its annual summit to latest multicultural research

As more brands commit to DEI practices and increases in multicultural investment, the Hispanic Marketing Council (HMC) has devoted a week of its free and virtual 2022 Annual Summit to business-building multicultural research, featuring leaders from Kantar, ThinkNow and Claritas. Moderated by HMC Research Chair Nancy Tellet, founder, brand & consumer navigator at PureClarity LLC, these webinars will cover inclusive advertising, investing and money management, and consumer behavior.

A $300 billion opportunity: Serving the emerging Black American consumer [REPORT]

For decades and decades, Black consumers have been regularly overlooked by companies that don’t see them as a priority demographic. Black consumers continue to be underserved in areas such as food, housing, healthcare, broadband, and banking. Essential needs are going unmet because of decisions made by companies. Yet these companies may well be missing the chance to cultivate a significant emerging market. With a little ingenuity and deeper analysis, companies may find that serving the Black American consumer will allow them to tap into significant value while contributing to a meaningful economic revival.

We’ve had a lot of time to think, and we’re thinking a lot about time

Why consumers around the world are resetting the clock around how they spend their time, and what it means for consumer businesses

How US consumers are feeling, shopping, and spending—and what it means for companies

The latest Consumer Pulse survey shows that, across America, people have simultaneously embraced new behaviors and reverted to old ones. What will they do next?

Current Financial State of the U.S. Latino Community

mitú, in partnership with premier multicultural marketing and communications agency The MRKT, released the second edition of the mitú InTell Series of studies focusing on the current financial state of the US Latino population. Some of the discoveries indicate that Latinos lead in certain aspects when compared to the general population, such as in the use of financial technology and in the early adoption of cryptocurrencies and NFTs but fall behind in other aspects including home ownership and in the use of banking products and services.

Shopping Amid Inflation Adds to Consumer Stress

he latest round of research conducted by Vericast found that 50% of all consumers and 64% of Millennials indicated that making spending decisions along with rising prices due to inflation are negatively impacting their mental health. Over a quarter agree that inflation is also influencing their decision to seek appropriate care.

Latino’s Finances Focus on Family and Closing the Wealth Gaps [REPORT]

The report shows Latinos and Hispanics prioritize providing financial support for their loved ones. It also found that in spite of challenges faced in access to financial services, Latino investors have charted successful paths to wealth.

The Vast Majority of Americans Like Their Neighbors

Nearly nine out of ten Americans (86 percent) like their neighbors, a sentiment that remains high across all major demographics including age, sex, race and even political party, according to results from a national Xcelerant omnibus survey conducted on behalf of Fathom Realty, a national, cloud-based, real estate brokerage.

5 Questions advertisers want answered [REPORT]

Advertisers need to track their entire ad spend with comparable metrics across platforms to get the full performance picture.

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