
Cal Milk Processor Board Launches Atrévete campaign

The Atrévete “Mega Dares” campaign, from GALLEGOS United, seeks to create new nontraditional occasions for consumers to drink milk by daring them to try unexpected food and milk pairings with an additional twist – such as a wind turbine. In one digital spot people attempt to eat spicy Korean tacos and drink a glass of milk while standing in front of a wind turbine generating 39 mph winds.

Telemundo Deportes unveils first campaign for FIFA Confederations Cup and World Cup

Telemundo Deportes released its first campaign for FIFA Confederations Cup and World Cup, produced in partnership with Anomaly. 

Data can’t write your ad – yet [INSIGHT]

I’m kinda tired of hearing everyone talk about how data is going to save our industry. I’m tired of everyone measuring creative effectiveness against KPIs for which they are ill suited. I’m tired of watching all of the good ideas turn into splinters of their former selves in service of their data-driven masters. And mostly, I’m tired of the bad work that often springs from so-called “data-driven advertising.”

Delivering Creative That Makes a Lasting Impression and Focus Less on Functional Messages [REPORT]

Although campaigns with a strong focus on emotional relevance and creative engagement lead to increased business, a new report out today from Kantar Millward Brown shows fewer than one in seven ads are designed to deliver a strong emotional message that consumers will quickly absorb.

A Small Change Makes a Big Difference [INSIGHT]

Measuring an ad’s ability to communicate trust is a tricky business: perceptions of trust can be non-conscious, formed almost immediately and biased by subtle factors.  By Dr. Nikki Westoby, Director of Neuroscience, Nielsen Consumer Neuroscience

Why is the 30 second video still so popular?

Given we know that most people do not hang around to watch a video to completion it makes me wonder why the 30 second spot is still so popular.  by Nigel Hollis

“Always be yourself, unless you can be Batman and let all your city know about it”

Circus LA developed an innovative activation integrating mobile strategies with outdoor, in which invited the fans of the film to appear with Batman in the streets of Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Puerto Rico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, El Salvador and Panama.

At The End Of A TV Ad, Use Your Logo Or Shot Of Your Packaging?

Branding is one of the three essential advertising elements that lead to in-market success. As such, there are many variations of brand inclusion at the end of a TV ad, including package shots or simply showing the brand logo. Making the decision to include a package shot or brand logo at the end of an ad can require some additional consideration.

Circulo Creativo is in search of New President

Luis Miguel Messianu – Creative Chairman-CEO at Alma and Chairman of El Circulo Creativo has decided to step down as Chairman of El Circulo Creativo.  To succeed Mr. Messianu, Gustavo Lauría current President of El Circulo Creativo has been elected to replace him at the helm of the organization.

Working Vs. Non-Working Budgets: Outdated Metric

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, there was a simple marketing world.

California Lottery’s Super Ticket by Casanova // McCann

Casanova // McCann recently produced a TV spot for the launch of the California Lottery’s Super Ticket, which boasts the biggest jackpot prize in the State’s history.

Return to Cuba: The Q60 Coupe and Alfonso Albaisa

A new state-of-the-art coupe rolls past colonial architecture and skirts the sea along the iconic Malecón. The INFINITI Q60’s chrome and bright paint adding another thread to the vibrant tapestry that is Havana.

Effective advertising needs more than gut feeling [INSIGHT]

On a recent visit to Bangladesh I took part in a roundtable discussion on the use of research in advertising development. The consensus opinion appeared to be that good gut feeling was more important than research when it came to developing advertising. But that raises the question of how do you develop good gut feeling?  by Nigel Hollis

Teaching the World to Jeer in Perfect Harmony

By now you’ve heard about the floridly tone deaf Pepsi ad. You know, the almost three minute ad, what Pepsi called a mini movie, where, at the end of a multicultural protest – about something – the young model Kendall Jenner offers a Pepsi to a police officer among a line of riot officers. When he cracks open the Pepsi, all those multicultural millennials cheer and embrace. Because the sound of a Pepsi can opening apparently solves everything – racism, homophobia, gender inequality, maybe something else – and it even turns a self-absorbed model into a leader in the fight for… um… peace, hope, and beautiful models?  By David Morse, President and CEO of New American Dimensions

Pepsi and the road to marketing hell.

By Miguel Arias – Adman

  • The outcry is a bit too much.
  • In all fairness, why is the premise of Pepsi’s Kendall Jenner spot stupider than the vast majority of content coming out of Hollywood, the music industry or Madison Avenue?
  • If the socialsphere and the thought police applied the same level of self-righteous scrutiny to every figment of pop culture out there, no movie, music video, TV show or TV spot would ever see the light of day.
  • At the very least, Pepsi tried to do something different.

Sergio Alcocer – Unplugged Podcast

APC Collective, launched their #APCChats podcast during SXSW to spotlight some incredible, nuanced and important stories that often go untold. Free from the traditional format of 140 characters, a social video, article or blog post, the intention is to let creators share the origins of their ideas with in-depth backstories.

To Be Entertaining, Relevant And Engaging, Hit Refresh

Consumers have high expectations for marketing content from entertainment brands, especially when it comes to being entertained. This is why social channels can be a marketer’s best friend, especially if they are savvy enough to leverage new features and channels as they are introdu

Was that your message? Sorry I blinked.

Watching a selection of ads from YouTube, Facebook and broadcast TV has made me wonder whether advertisers credit their audience with superhuman powers of attention and observation. So much gets crammed into a video it is sometimes hard to keep up and viewers can literally suffer from what is known as an “Attentional Blink”.  by Nigel Hollis

Lopez Negrete Communications Celebrates Winning Streak at American Advertising Federation

Lopez Negrete Communications, Inc. walked away with 21 American Advertising Federation – Houston Chapter awards, including a “Best in Show” in the Broadcast category. This marks the 14th consecutive year that the agency has earned “Best in Show” honors.

Lauría elected Chairman of the Board of Director of Círculo Creativo

Círculo Creativo announced that Gustavo Lauría has been elected as Chairman of the Board of Directors. He succeeds Luis Miguel Messianu who, after two successful years as Chairman, announced his decision to step down from the board.

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