Media Planning

Can Programmatic Advertising Be Inclusive?

While popular demand-side platforms (DSPs) like Google DV360, Xandr, and The Trade Desk offer powerful tools for reaching vast target audiences programmatically, digital media buyers for Fortune 500 companies face a more profound challenge: effectively spending the massive budgets allocated to them, especially when it comes to reaching diverse audiences.

Marketing procurement seeks better, smarter metrics in 2024 [REPORT]

WFA research shows that teams are looking at creative and production as well as media in their bid to identify savings for 2024. Many company target setters fail to understand marketing, increasing barriers between procurement, marketing and the rest of the organization.

ElementalTV and Spanglish Movies partner to accelerate US Hispanic Market Activations in CTV Advertising

ElementalTV has announced a strategic partnership with Spanglish Movies, a content creation and publishing for the Hispanic market. Together, the companies have created 'Spanglish Audiences,' a CTV technology solution designed to expand advertisers reach and effectiveness among Hispanic and LATAM viewers at scale.


  MARKET is the most important part of marketing.   We operate and compete in markets. The consumers, customers, or clients we serve purchase goods and services in markets. And market is part of everyday language. Supermarket. Job Market. Stock market. Bear market. Bull market. Market basket. Market share. Farmers market. Media market.  By Marc S. Pritchard - Chief Brand Officer at Procter & Gamble

2024 Digital Media Trends [REPORT]

This year’s Digital Media Trends point to continued industry disruption—not just from streaming, social, and gaming, but also from how these media and technologies combine. As these disruptions mature, their convergence sets up the next revolutions. Companies need to lead these advancements—or risk living in another’s vision.

More than 40% of Total Ad Spending in 2024 will Come from the United States

In just five years, brands and marketers worldwide have spent more than a shocking $5 trillion on advertising, including all forms of digital ads, social media channels, search advertising, and TV, video, and radio ads. In 2024, total ad spending is expected to hit an all-time high of $1.83 trillion, and most of that value will come from the US market.

How marketers can advance personalized marketing across the digital advertising ecosystem

In modern media, personalization will become increasingly critical in connecting audiences with content and advertising that best align with their interests and preferences. For brands seeking 1:1 relationships with new consumers, quality audience data has become critical as the digital landscape expands and channel engagement fragments. This is particularly relevant across two fronts: traditional digital media across computer and mobile and connected TV.

Programmatic Transparency: The $22 Billion Opportunity

By now, you are undoubtedly familiar with at least the key recommendations from the ANA's ongoing Programmatic Media Supply Chain Transparency Study. If not, fear not, for over the next few weeks, I'll be laying them out in plain terms — and, trust me, it uncovered some seriously eye-opening insights that are important to your business!

Why Businesses Should Be Thinking About Measurement First

Effective digital advertising is critical for businesses, no matter their size. For smaller businesses it can be essential for sustainable growth. Increasingly though, effective digital advertising hinges on having high quality measurement signals to take full advantage of AI and understand the impact of each dollar spent on marketing efforts. Hence the marketing maxim, "You can't manage what you can't measure."

How Hispanic Americans Get Their News [REPORT]

Just over half of U.S. Hispanic adults (54%) get their news mostly in English – far higher than the share who get their news mostly in Spanish (21%). About a quarter of Hispanic Americans (23%) say they consume news in both languages about equally.

How Marketing Agencies Can Ensure “Zoom Fidelity” with Media

If you're doing media and marketing right, the strategies and tactics in your plan should all work together to drive a business outcome. But how many times have you looked at a media plan where the strategies and tactics look like they were done by completely separate teams and the two don't exactly line up?

Need to Know: What is advanced audience targeting and why is it important?

Have you ever received an ad that felt incredibly specific? One that seems to understand exactly what stage of life you’re in and the kind of items you’re looking to buy? That is advanced audience targeting at work.

Global Ad & Marketing Growth Slowed to 4% in ‘23, As Brands Cut Budgets on Inflation & Recession Fears; Media Spend to Rise 8% in ’24 on Record Political & Olympics Spend

Global advertising and marketing spending grew at a decelerated 4% in 2023 to $1.631 trillion, but total media spending is projected to grow at a more robust 7.7% in 2024, as inflation and recession fears have subsided and a quadrennial windfall of ad & marketing investments is expected from political campaigns in 15 of the top 20 US markets, as well as record media spend related to the Paris Summer Olympics, according to new researchby PQ Media.

Understanding how audiences connect with news media ahead of the 2024 U.S. elections

2024 is predicted to be a record-setting year for political ad spending in the U.S., according to eMarketer forecasts. And advertisers—especially those leading political campaigns—will need to understand how voters are consuming media and how things may have changed since the last elections. With political campaigns buying up valuable ad inventory in the U.S., all advertisers can benefit from understanding how audiences stay connected as ad prices rise, especially on news programming.

Marketers Need a Sharper Antenna for Programmatic Advertising

Forty-four thousand websites. That's the number of sites media buyers use in their programmatic ad buying, according to the "ANA Programmatic Media Supply Chain Transparency Study." Talk about overkill. The report, which was released in December 2023, says that marketers should tap between 75 and 100 trusted programmatic media sellers who in turn can provide access to thousands of websites to optimize their investments. So why such a disconnect?

How Does Diversity in Social Networks Impact Survey Response?

There have been various explanations for the decline in survey response rates that can jeopardize the quality of the data. Among them is the social capital hypothesis, which attributes the drop to declining social capital — the strength of people’s friendship networks and community ties.

Telemundo Reigns #1 Spanish-Language Broadcast Network in Weekday Primetime

Telemundo ranked as the #1 Spanish-language broadcast network in weekday primetime last week, fueled by the latest seasons of La Casa de los Famosos and El Señor de los Cielos. According to Nielsen, the network delivered an average of 444,000 adults 18-49, 166,000 adults 18-34 and over 1.3 million total viewers in 7pm-11pm primetime.

How audience measurement innovation benefits the media industry

The media ecosystem is changing—70.6% of U.S. TV homes have a smart TV, up from 62.3% two years ago1. With widespread connected TV (CTV) adoption2 and increasing high-speed internet availability, new ways of watching have introduced new (and bigger) data sets. Innovations in audience measurement are critical to keep pace with audiences’ evolving media habits. They also present opportunities for both buyers and sellers to better understand how content—and ads—are performing.

What the Digital Ad Industry Shifts Mean for 2024 Political Campaigns

All eyes are on political campaigns going into 2024, with races at the local, state, and national levels expected to be tightly contested and more nuanced than ever. For political marketers, the tension of election season — particularly after the 2020 presidential race and 2022's midterms — is familiar territory. However, what's decidedly not familiar is the digital advertising reality in which this year's campaigns must operate.

2024 Media Predictions: A year of transformation [REPORT]

The year 2024 is poised to be a year of transformation. With rapid technological advancements, shifting global dynamics, and a changing consumer landscape, businesses and organizations need to be prepared for the unexpected.

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